Sally Jackson and Paul Blofis

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  Percy smiled at his sleeping daughter as he pulled her from the car. He held her as he walked over to the main entrance of the apartment complex that his mom and stepdad lived in. He carefully walked up the stairs with her and knocked on the door to apartment 5B. He knocked and braced himself for what was to come.

"Hey Mom," He said as the door swung open.

"Percy! What are you doing here?! Who's this?"

"Can I tell you after I put her in my room?" Percy asked, his arms drooping slightly before adjusting her.

"Uh...sure. Hey Annabeth."

"Hey Sally," Annabeth said, peeking out from behind her husband.

"Come in."


"And you didn't tell us why?!" Sally asked after hearing the story about Colombia.

"To protect her," Percy said, looking down at Annabeth, begging silently for help.

"If monsters found out she was the daughter of a demigod and demigod, they'd do anything to get their hands on her." Annabeth declared.

"Are you...mad?" Percy asked, struggling to find the word.

"Mad?! No! Why would I be mad? You guys were just trying to protect your daughter! I'm proud, not mad!"

"Well I'm going to bed," Annabeth said, standing up and giving Percy a quick peck on the lips before walking up the stairs to Percy's old bedroom.

"I may as well go to bed too," Sally said.

"Good night Mom."


Columbia sat up sleepily and looked around the room. She looked down at both her sleeping parents, before slowly climbing out of bed.

As she stepped off the last step at the bottom of the step, she heard a sound that sounded like pots and pans clanging around. She walked around the house until she found a room that looked like the kitchen, and saw a lady with brown hair and a maroon dress cooking.

Columbia let out a small sneeze, startling the lady and making her turn around.

"Oh hi! You must be Columbia! I'm your grandma."

"I already have a gwama," Columbia said, skeptical.

"Everyone has two grandmas, sweetheart." 

"Are you shore?" 

"Yes. You have one on your dad's side and one on your mom's. I'm from your dad's side. Now, do you want to help me make pancakes?"


Percy woke up in his bed with Annabeth, but not Columbia. In a panic, Percy scrambled out of his bed and quickly ran downstairs.

"Mom, have you seen Columbia?"

"Hi, Daddy!" Columbia exclaimed from her spot near the counter where she was stirring pancake batter.

"Oh B. Good. I thought something happened to you."

"No. Just helping make!"

"Bake, not make," Sally corrected.

"Daddy! Try." Columbia held out a spoonful of batter as she stuffed it in Percy's face.

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