Chase Family Reunion

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A/N: Sorry, this took so long! I got distracted by many of my other books and had slight writer's block. I finally got past it! Sorry if it feels kind of rushed. Also, for the image above, this would also be me if I were a cop! 

 "Mary!" Annabeth yelled, pulling one of her favorite cousins into a hug. She hadn't seen her in nearly 3 years.

"Hey, Annabeth," Mary said, pulling back. "You look good."

Annabeth's blonde princess curls had straightened out slightly and had grown past her shoulders and her gray eyes no longer looked so sad. She was wearing a CHB t-shirt and gray sweatpants.

"Thanks, you too." Mary had brown curly hair and hazel eyes. She was shorter and she was wearing jeans and a yellow T-shirt.

"Hi Mary," Percy said, walking over.

"Percy! Hi." She said, hugging him before whispering to Annabeth, "I didn't realize you were still dating him."
Annabeth laughed. "Actually, I'm not dating him anymore," she said, holding up her left hand where a beautiful ring was. Mary gasped.

"Oh my god! Annabeth, that's amazing! Are you married or engaged?"


All of sudden a small cry sounded from upstairs. Annabeth's eyes widened as she realized it was Columbia. She ran up the stairs and hurried into her room where Columbia was rolling around her bed screaming and crying. Bobby was in the bedroom, standing stock still and watching in horror as the toddler continued to scream. He noticed Annabeth standing in the doorway.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to wake her! I just had to grab something that I left in here!"

Annabeth sighed and made her way to her daughter before picking her up. Her sobs quieted down.

"It's okay Bobby. She's just been having a hard time after Polybotes. What were you coming to get?"

Bobby suddenly looked shy. "I left one of my mythomagic cards up here." Annabeth smiled.

"One of my friends used to play that." She walked out of the room with Columbia to the bottom of the stairs where Percy was waiting.

"Is she okay?" He asked.

"She's fine. Bobby just accidently woke her up."

"C'mon B, let's get you something to eat," Percy said, taking her from her mother and outside with the rest of the adults. Mary walked over to Annabeth, concern and curiosity evident on her face.

"Who's that kid?" She asked.

Annabeth debated whether or not to tell her. "My daughter, Columbia."

Mary's eyes widened. "Your daughter?! You have a daughter?! Annabeth, that's amazing!"

Annabeth smiled. "It is. I love her to death. Come on, you can meet her." Annabeth led Mary through the crowd of people to the living room where Percy was talking with Annabeth's grandparents.

"Annabeth, darling," Her grandma said. "Percy was just telling us that this is your daughter! She's so precious!" Annabeth smiled and hugged her before hugging her grandpa.

"Why are we only meeting her now?" Her grandpa asked.

"It's a long story that isn't important. I'm just glad you finally got to meet her." They nodded and smiled. Annabeth took Columbia from Percy's arms. "We should probably head outside to help with the tables." She then walked out, with Percy and Mary close behind.

While Percy went to help with the tables, Mary stopped to talk to Annabeth and Columbia."

"Columbia," Annabeth said. "This is my cousin, Mary. She's your great cousin." Mary smiled and waved. Columbia slowly waved back.

"Hi, Columbia! I love your name!"

"...Tank you. I do too." Mary laughed.

"Annabeth?" Annabeth looked up to see her Aunt Lucille and Uncle Richard walking over. "Oh, it is! I thought so! You've grown up so much!" She laughed.

"Thanks," Annabeth said, giving her a side hug.

"And who's this cutie?"

"This is my daughter, Columbia." Columbia didn't say anything, but she did look rather skeptical as she sucked her thumb.

"Your daughter?!" Uncle Richard said, clearly surprised. Annabeth laughed.

"Yes, my daughter. You see when a man and woman love each other very much-"
"Okay, I get it!" He said, as both his wife and daughter laughed. "Well, I'm very happy for you, even if you're a smart-ass." Annabeth laughed.

"Mommy?" Columbia asked. "I want down!" Annabeth smiled and put her down. She watched as Columbia ran over to where Percy was helping set up a shade tent. Once she confirmed that she was safe, she turned back to her relatives.

They talked while they waited for everyone else to arrive. Annabeth was extremely nervous, not wanting to tell her family she had a daughter. Most of the Chases believed in tradition. Meaning they believe in getting married at 22, having kids at the age of 24 or older, and not dating in high school. They believed it to be a distraction from schoolwork. Which was why Annabeth was (understandably) panicking.

Percy had joined the small group, and immediately noticed something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" He asked Annabeth. She frowned.

"...I don't want to see the rest of my family."


"Because they'll hate you the minute they learn we got married when we were 19? And had Columbia before we were married?" Percy smiled, which thoroughly confused Annabeth. "Don't smile! This is not a happy situation! This is a bad situation!"

"Annie, relax! If they don't like me, I don't care. I only care that you do." Annabeth tried to smile.

"Yes, but I care!" Percy laughed.

"Annabeth," Lucille said suddenly. "Even if the rest of the family is mad at you, we won't be. We're proud of you for managing to raise that sweetheart even though you knew the family wouldn't approve." Annabeth smiled.
"Thank you. Okay, let's face the hoard."


Annabeth was sitting at one of the many tables that had been set up outside. Percy was on her right and Columbia was next to him. Unfortunately, on Annabeth's left was her least favorite cousin, Jazelle. She had been eyeing Annabeth suspiciously since she had arrived.

Jazelle always looked for the most criticizing thing she could find about Annabeth. She had done it since she was little.

They were all eating in peace when Jazelle suddenly screamed.

"Annabeth! Is that a wedding ring?!" Annabeth banged her head on the table before addressing her cousin.

"Yes, it is. Why do you care?" The whole table gasped.

"Annabeth! You know we aren't allowed to get married until we're 22! It's just wrong!" Annabeth sighed. She knew Jazelle loved the attention she was getting and the looks of shame Annabeth was getting.

"Yes, I'm aware."

"So then why would you do such a thing?!" Her great aunt demanded. Annabeth sighed and stood up.

"I got married because I love my husband! And we wanted everyone to know that! We've been dating since we were 16!" More gasps. "That's not all! We have a daughter. A 2-year-old daughter! I had her before I got married! And I don't care if you do! Come on Percy." Percy stood and grabbed Columbia, who was very confused. They both walked to the door. Percy walked all the way out, but Annabeth paused. "Mary, have Dad give you my number. I want to meet up sometime." Mary nodded and smiled. Annabeth then left.

As soon as she stepped into the car, she let out a deep breath.

"It feels so good to no longer deal with their criticism." Percy smiled.

"Where too, Wisegirl?" Annabeth smiled.


A/N: I'm out of ideas! I'm not going to say this book is finished, because it probably won't be, but I need more people to meet Columbia! Please give me ideas!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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