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Situationship Concepts

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"You're so," Minho drawls, peppering sweet kisses along Jisung's jawline, "fuckin' lovely." 

If you told Jisung at the start of the summer that he'd end the season in the lap of some (really hot) guy, he wouldn't have believed it. He might've laughed at it, crinkled his nose in disgust, and poked fun at the idea for being "gay shit," and by extension, something he'd never do. More bizzare than that, Jisung would've never believed that there was potential for love to be there—the same love he criticizes in cheesy rom-coms—he'd never believe it.

Jisung mewls, accepting sloppy, open-mouthed kisses as if it's second nature. "Well, you're the one who makes me feel lovely."

"Bullshit," Minho curses, in-between kisses. "You're lovely all on your own."

To tell the truth, Jisung's not sure if what he's feeling is truly love. It'd be too soon to fall in love with Minho, no? 

Perhaps it's a heart-bursting product of his naiveté because he hasn't felt anything like this before; it's possible that he's mistaken it all for love. 

But...there's something about Minho that makes Jisung question everything he's ever known, ditching the ideals he's held tight for sixteen years and replacing it with something new.

It's not exclusively bound to the fact that Minho is his "gay awakening" (as Felix calls it), or the way simple touches ignite his body into volcanic flames. It's the way Minho looks at him—with so much adoration, Jisung feels special. It's the way he listens to Jisung's worries when he can't handle them on his own, really listens (even if it's pathetic), and remembers the small details for later.

It's terrifying to let his guard down...to jump into the unknown without a safety net. Jisung assumes that any consequences of this "summer fling" will be matters for Future Jisung Han to worry about.

For now, Jisung just wants to have fun. It's evident in how his backpack tossed carelessly on the floor, homework an afterthought as he spends the better half of the late afternoon lip-locking with Minho Lee.

"What time d'ya gottta' be home again?" Minho's breathless as he works down Jisung's neck, pecking, sucking, biting. "Let's not give your dad a heart attack."

"Four." Jisung's eyes flutter shut, teeth clamped into his lower lip. 

"Four?" Minho gasps, a stupidly incredulous expression on his face. He quickly glances at the clock. "'S never that early," he whines. "It's already three-fifteen!"

"Oh, quit whining," Jisung teases, "you big baby. It's because my mom is coming home today."

Minho remains unimpressed, lips jutted into a small pout. "How am I going to get through my Calculus homework without my favorite smartass? Huh?"

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