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Louise felt her body tremble as she heard the words that Cynthia spoke over the phone.

"Like, I'm so angry right now! How dare he do such a selfish and wicked thing?" Cynthia ranted, sounding so pissed off over the phone.

Louise let out a heavy breath and closed her eyes.

"Cynthia, thanks so much for letting me know about this. I truly appreciate you. I have to bring the matter before God."

"Wow!" Cynthia said and paused for a while.
"How are you so calm? I'm not even the person this affects most but look at your response. Your life, not just your stories, is a testament of a truly surrendered heart to God. Honestly, I am challenged, sis."

"Hmmm..." was all Louise could say.

What Cynthia didn't know was that Louise was on the verge of breaking down emotionally. It was only the Holy Spirit that was holding her back from falling apart.

When her phone rang early that morning, Louise could not pick up because she was having her quiet time and she had such a swell time with God.

It was now that the shocking news was sinking in that she understood the cryptic message God hinted about this morning.

Louise had since gotten grace from God to resume writing her story.

Her posting schedule, of course, had to change from daily to three times a week, but she was helped by God to keep up.

Cynthia was one of her strongest fans and their relationship online had blossomed into something deeper. Also a Christian creative writer, but in the aspect of screenplay and drama, Cynthia was an answer to prayer. She was the writer companion that was more than just a supporter but had grown to become more like a sister to Louise.
They prayed together regularly and whenever Louise was feeling burnt out, Cynthia was her go-to person to unwind and chill in a God-centered way.

The reason why Cynthia called her in such a hasty, agitated tone was because she discovered something shocking. The girl was a ravenous reader who was on multiple reading groups and platforms so it was easy for her to find out the anomaly she just informed Louise about.

Some random dude had been stealing Louise's work and posting it on his blog.
And, according to the last announcement he made, he intended to officially publish the series once it was complete.

Louise has just encountered a big blow from an intellectual thief, a plagiariser.
This was one of the reasons she had been sceptical about sharing her work online in the first place.

Now, what would she do to prove that she was the original owner of the story?

"Lord," Louise cried, on her knees.
"See what has happened. Honestly, it's so painful. You know this is not my story. I'm just your vessel, your pen. Will you please intervene?"

She prayed for a few more minutes, majorly in other tongues because her mind was a cotton ball of confusion.

"I will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace," came the still small response.

"Thank you, Abba."

"You're welcome, beloved. Now pick up your phone and call your Aunt Josephine. I have made her ready to stand on your behalf."

"Aunt Josephine? I know she's now a barrister but I haven't spoken to her in like forever. And she's overseas now..."

"Just trust me."

Louise smiled and nodded. "Of course, what else can I do? My defender, I trust in you."


I always love times of allowing God to fight for you. In summary, plagiarism is evil. Don't support or engage in it.

Next update is coming soon.

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