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"How do you do it?" the starry-eyed lady said. Binti was Louise's coursemate.

After the presentation of their drama project for the semester, which Louise had singlehandedly scripted, Binti had asked to see Louise in private.

Meanwhile, their stoic lecturer had been so impressed by the unique storyline and their manner of presentation that he graded their group with A's—something the legendary man never easily does. Thus, the whole team was in celebratory mode.

"I was just randomly scrolling through my Facebook page when I was captivated by the title of your story," Binti gushed when they were strolling to the kiosk to get cold drinks.

"I read that chapter and had to go through the pains of scrolling down. I couldn't peel my eyes off the story. I like the way you weave everything so nicely. It was more than just another preachy, boring story. I became more desirous to know God more and if I didn't pause to pray, I would be searching my Bible app for something. Your story is simply amazing!"

"All thanks to Jesus. I'm really glad you were blessed by that small work," Louise said, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. Internally, she was hi-fiving the Holy Spirit whom she had now grown so intimate with ever since her encounter.

"Small? That's not small o. See, I had to recommend your story to my sister, cousins and everyone on my CL. It's a must-read," Binti ranted.

"Awww... That's so sweet. Thanks for being my secret publicity manager," Louise said, chuckling.

"You deserve so much more. I mean, when did you even start writing? Girl, you've gone far o! Your story is award-worthy."

Louise smiled, all the while whispering in her heart, "All the glory and praise belongs to you, Lord. It's your doing not mine."

She had been getting a lot of this type of reaction and questions from a lot of people both online and physically.

Ever since she settled the whole consecration issue with God, she had felt this liberty in her spirit and her writings had taken on a fresh life.

Yes, it wasn't easy to let go of the unholy and unapproved writing gigs as it also meant that her major sources of income were cut off. But she decided to blindly follow Jesus.

She completed her writing training and got certified, but she knew that the real lesson she had learnt from the process wasn't syntax and story structure but rather the art of totally leaning on the Holy Spirit for help.

And as a result of her faithfulness, more and more powerful testimonies had been trooping in.

"Guess what?" Binti said. "I came across a fiction writing competition yesterday. I want you to apply for it. I'm sure your story will win. I'm cheering you on."

"I've not fancied competitions, but..."

"Go and conquer this mountain for me," the Holy Spirit whispered in her mind, interrupting her hesitation.

She paused, smiled and then shrugged.
"...But, send the details to me. I guess I and the Holy Spirit can always try it out."

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