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Louise had stayed up all night, heavily burdened. The good thing about it was that the next day was a Saturday, so she didn't have to worry about the consequences of not sleeping all through the night.

After finishing her light dinner of bread and egg, she was hit by a spark of inspiration. Having offered a quick whisper to the Lord over the matter, she took up her phone and began to write the next chapter of Above the Storm.

It seemed as though that night, the heavens were opened over her as she wrote. It got to a point where she was constrained by the fact that she couldn't write fast enough to keep up with the inspiration that was flowing like water into her brain.

Even the words and turn of events in the story moved her so much that she shed a couple of tears. It was that powerful.

When she had got the rough draft out, she immediately went on her knees and began an intense session of prayer.

She prayed for herself for consecration and more grace to keep being the pen of a ready writer.

She prayed that all those who read her works would be immensely blessed and transformed by it.

In that posture, she slept off.

A dream began. She saw a huge, grotesque demon confronting her and asking why she was disturbing his kingdom with her words. The demon was the antichrist spirit, she knew automatically.

"What?" she retorted with an unearthly boldness that she never knew she possessed.
"Know ye not that the one who lives in me, who sent me on this assignment, is greater than you. They are not my words. Maybe you should go and confront The Word himself and stop picking on me 'cos unless He tells me to, nothing in hell or on earth will stop me from writing for His glory."

The demon growled and began to advance at her. "Don't you dare call that name here! And don't think so highly of yourself. You're my target now."

"Sorry, but I'm not sorry! And I am hidden in the secret place of the Highest. Now, in the name of Jesus, the Word who created everything, I command you to leave me this instant!"

The demon screeched in agony and disappeared in a cloud of thick dark smoke.

"Thank you, Jesus," Louise said as she jerked out of that vivid dream.

She stood and began worshipping the Lord for the victory she won.

"Let's keep pushing back the gates of hell and kicking demons' butts together, Holy Spirit," she said with hearty laughter. 

"Be prepared..." she heard the Holy Spirit's voice whisper as she rose.


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