Mon Chéri

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They finally reached the pent house, they would call home, for the next couple of months. The Oberoi matriarch was doing much needed renovations in the Oberoi mansion. She had insisted that Ann should have her own walk in closet and add an additional room right next to theirs. Ann cringed at the thought of what the matriarch was expecting to occupy that. Urgh!

"Welcome to my humble abode!" Shivaay opened the door swiping his key card.

"You call this humble?" Ann scoffed.

"Oh wait! Hup!" Before Ann could protest, he had lifted her up in his arms as a newly married bride should be. He carried her all the way up to their massive bedroom with an impressive view of the city skyline. He placed her back on her feet gently.

"Phew you have put on a few kilos or is that the dress? Glad that was only 50 feet!" He chuckled.

"Huh? It's the dress obviously! Your Tea had to pick the perfect dress to torture me!"

"My Tea?" He laughed again.

"Yes...weren't you two a thing, back in university?"

Ann looked around the room. She gawked up at the high ceiling, and looked outside the city lights. Maybe it wasn't so bad to steal a bit of money from him. He was beyond rich. He wouldn't even feel it! She justified her motives to the best of her ability.

"Ah you've spoken already? So then you know that she's happily married to Robin?" He removed his jacket and placed it over the arm chair. He started to loosen up his tie, and folded his cuffs.

"I know...They looked adorable together...She likes taking care of him by the looks of it! She asked me to take care of you too...She said that you look after everyone around you apart from yourself!"

"Ah...She exaggerates! To be taken care by YOU...Now that I am looking forward for! Joking...Just joking..." He spread his infectious laughter across the room, and Ann couldn't help but smile.

"I like your place by the way...It's beautiful!"  

The room had glass windows, from ceiling to the floor. She saw access to an infinity pool through the balcony. The whole pent house had a minimalist design and open spaces. No obstacles. It was a space made especially for Shivaay to feel at home. She saw the comfort in his face, walking around in his own space. He probably knew the steps, dimensions, square feet of this place, by heart.

"This is where I live for the most part. I like to have my own space when working remote..." he explained.

"So you don't go to office?" She asked wondering if she was ever going to get some space from him. She had to check up on Daksh, and Saahil without making it too obvious.

"Well some days I have to...But most days I don't have to...I have my people on the floors. I just make the decisions, at the tap of a button from home! Hallelujah Technology!"

"So...So...You will be just here all the time?" She blurted out.

"Haha...Are you worried? Or relieved? Either way I will make sure that you will have your space...I like to be alone when I am working too...I'll be mostly occupying the study. You can make yourself at home, and can work on your artwork in the guest room maybe?"

Artwork? Ah she almost forgot, she was claiming to be an artist, whose currently working on her first exhibition! Great, now she'll have to start giving life to lifeless paint and clay. Thank goodness he won't be able to see what horrific sculptures and paints she will create! The likes of DaVinci, and Picasso will be certainly rolling in their graves once she was done with her masterpieces.

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