Sweet lies

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Ann was sitting next to him fidgeting with a pudding cup. Last night he had held her close in his arms. The warmth of his embrace made her feel safe. Shivaay was still recuperating. He could finally breath on his own. His lungs had cleared. He was sound asleep, on his side, facing her. She looked at his handsome face, that needed a shave. She brushed the pad of her thumb softly on his cheek. He looked so peaceful. The corners of his mouth, curved slightly in his sleep. His smile was contagious, even when he was asleep. She sighed, and closed her eyes.

"I...I have to tell you something...I haven't been honest with you all this time..." She muttered under her breath.

"Good morning Mrs.Oberoi..." Gauri walked in, startling Ann.

" G..Good morning!" Ann mumbled.

"I need to take a blood sample for testing, Mr.Oberoi's..."

"Oh..But he's asleep..."

"I'm afraid I'll have to wake him up?"

"But...He's asleep..." She protested.

"Ms. Oberoi, if you don't want me to wake him up, I can try and take the blood out of this hand..." Ann nodded, and helped nurse Gauri, to extend his arm. She held his hand in hers.

"Alright...then...here I go.." Nurse Gauri pulled out a long needle making Ann wince.

"THAT? That's huge!It will hurt...will it hurt?" Ann worried and Guari, shook her head smiling.

Ann already closed her eyes shut. Shivaay opened his eyes and yawned. He felt her holding his hand pretty tight, and a soft pinch at the crevice of his inner arm.

"Good morning Mr.Oberoi, I had to take some blood from you, and your wife here, said not to wake you up, because it might hurt..." Nurse Gauri whispered, noticing that Ann had her eyes shut tight, shrugging. She put a plaster on his arm, and hurried off.


"Oh...You...You are up?Did it hurt? It must have hurt so much! Does it hurt?" He entwined his fingers with hers and smiled.

"It does...A lot...Can I have my medicine now?" He furrowed his brows, his blue eyes not looking at her directly, but sparkling nevertheless. He pouted pretending to be in a lot of pain though he wasn't.

"Oh...Let me...Let me call the nurse to get you some painkillers? She promised it won't hurt...I can't...I shouldn't have let...That needle was huge...NURSE...GAURI..."

He pressed his forehead against hers, chuckling softly. His warm breath feathered her skin, and his long lashes tickled her eyelids. Then his lips hovered over hers.

"Did you forget? My painkillers are with you Mon Chéri! Can I just have one?"

Involuntarily her lips closed the millimetres apart them, surprising him, making him smile against her lips. She kissed him, feeling the fine contours of his sweet lips, feeling comfort, feeling warm, feeling safe. When she finally paused, to take a breath, Shivaay's face had turned crimson. He was beaming.

"Woah...that was one heck of a pain killer...I think I feel healed already..."

He smirked and she snuck her head on his shoulder, feeling some creature in her stomach doing summersaults out of the blue. Her cheeks felt warm, and she bit her lower lip, knowing that it was time, she must tell him. She must tell him the truth.

"Sh..Shivaay...I...I have something to tell you..."

"Hmmmn..." He closed his eyes again resting his chin on her head.

"I...I am not who you think you are...I...I...I am not an artist...I am in a way...My identity...everything...is a lie...I..I con people for a living....Shiv?"

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