A heart that ceases to exist...

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He had not been home for a day and Ann found herself pacing up and down waiting for him. All she could do was wait and she hated it. She had never felt a pain as she was feeling right now, as if her heart was crumbling into pieces. She wanted to be in his arms, warm and safe. She felt as if she lost the most valuable thing in her life and only she was to blame for it. She waited a day...A two...and by the third day she lost it. Every single call she made diverted to a mailbox. Every time she heard the elevator she ran up to it. Then finally on the fourth day someone rang the bell. Still in cloths from two days ago, her hair messed up, eyes all puffy she ran to the door like a maniac.

"Shivaay...your back..." she was disappointed when it was a courier holding an envelope.

"Hello mam, please sign these and return to me in the sealed envelope...I will wait outside.."

She opened the envelope and it was divorce papers.He had sited irreconcilable differences as the cause for the divorce. He was giving her the pent house, and 7 Billion in alimony. Her hands were shaking. She angrily tore them in to tiny pieces.

"Tell him over my dead body! NO tell him not even then! I will not give him a divorce even if I am a fucking spirit and hovering around in this house life less! DO YOU GET THAT?"

She closed the door on a bewildered man's face.

Everyday from that day onwards a new set of divorce papers kept coming her way amending the alimony. Adding a car to it, shares, diamonds and Ann stopped opening them. After three weeks she stopped answering the door. She didn't want to get up from her bed. She just clung on to one of his shirts and wrapped it's arms around her. She imagined him right beside her, playing with her hair.

"Mon Cheri...Don't cry...I am here...I will be always here.."

"Forgive me? Please?" She said weakened.

"Forgiven...for everything...You never have to say sorry to me Mon Cheri..." She imagined him, brushing his stubble on her face and giving her a beautiful smile.

"I love you...Nothing else matters...If you are not here beside me...that's all I want...You..Your smile...Your eyes...You..." Suddenly her figment of imagination disappeared.

Panicking she sat back up. She was certain a moment ago he was here beside her. She crumbled down in to a ball, hugging her knees.


She yelled in pain, she thought her heart would stop right about then.


Tea found the food deliveries piled up outside the door. All unopened. Some had gone bad emanating a foul smell. She covered her nose and walked in with the key card, Shivaay had given her, and the apartment was awfully silent.

"Ann? Ann? Are you in here? It's Tea! I came to check up on you since you didn't answer my calls..."

She knocked on the bed room door, and as no response, she opened it. Tea gasped when found Ann lying in bed unconscious, huddled into a ball in her night gown. Her hair was tangled up, she looked extremely skinny, and pale. Her breathing was shallow.

"Hello I need an Ambulance ASAP!"


"How...How is she?" He asked standing outside the ward.

"Why don't you go ask yourself?"

" Tea...just tell me how is she so I can leave!" He huffed.

"Leave and do what? Get beaten up in that underground fighting ring of yours? Look at your face, all bruised up!"

"Is she okay..." he gritted his teeth.

"No she's NOT! She's on drips now, she's dehydrated and malnourished! She has not been eating or drinking for days..."

He sat down shaking his leg, biting his lower lip.

"Go see her...You both are a mess! One is getting bruised up every night and the other one is starving herself to death! You two Morons need to get it together!"

"No...I won't...not after what she did.."

"Shivaay I know it's not going to be easy...heck I hate her for what she did to you...But I know when I see the two of you...you need each other...you will get through this...Please go see her.."

"I can't...please make sure she gets home okay.."

"I am not her husband you are you make sure she gets home okay" Tea scoffed.

"Tea please..."

"But why can't you?"

"Because if I do...I won't be able to leave..."

He stood up to leave when the machines in the room started beeping. Nurses and doctors ran past them in to the room.

"What's what's going on?"

"I..I think..Shivaay her heart stopped.." Tea looked through the glass bewildered.

"What? ANN...ANNIKA!" He let go of his walking aid and it dropped on the floor with a clack. He pushed past the nurses stumbling on to things as he heard the sound of defibrillators.

"We got a heart beat...stabilise the patient! Sir! Sir you need to stay outside!"


He pushed them all away and sat beside her, holding on to her hand. He felt her cold hand with a faint pulse, and started breathing heavy frustrated. Tea stood beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Doctors say she's okay...They will monitor though...Let them check her out?"

"She's s fucking coward that what she is... Her hands are always cold...She gets cold so easily...She's nervous around people...She hates hospitals...I should take her home.."

"I think that's for the best..." Tea took a breath of relief.

"I love her...I love her so much it hurts...What she did...I don't know if I can ever forgive her.." Shivaay's voice broke, and he wiped a tear off.

"You have the biggest heart I know...You will find a way.." Tea reassured.

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