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Daksh shook Ann. She was not responding. He ran back to the bike and put on his helmet. He kick started the bike, and revved up. Then he closed his eyes, and muttered a curse under his breath. Last night, the loan sharks he owns money to had made it clear. If he doesn't pay his debt back, they were going to end him. Not just shoot him dead in a second, blow his brains out kind of way. But more like rip off one finger, one limb from his body at a time kind of way. Now, at the time he needed Ann the most, she was fucking choosing to be holy. All because of that fucking blink! FUCK!

He swore again, and he ran back to the fire exit, where Ann laid unconscious. What he had done, there was no coming back from it. He had lost her forever. He was not a good guy. He never had been. He was not a bad guy either...perhaps, just up until he tried to claim her like some wild animal, just because he knew he was losing.He was losing to a man who couldn't even see. He picked her up, and took the stairs, to the first floor emergency. He kicked it open and the nursing staff stood frozen surprised, as a man in a helmet carried an unconscious woman in his hands.

"What is it? Is it a motorbike accident?" One attendant rushed in with a stretcher.

"I don't know, I found this woman by the fire exit..." He placed her on the stretcher, and hurried off.

"Hey...I know her...That's Mrs.Oberoi...Mrs. Oberoi...Are you okay?" Gauri ran towards her.

"Look at her cloths...All ripped off...Look at her neck, the marks...Looks like...Looks like someone tried to molest her...Could it be the man who brought her in?"



"Sh...Shivaay!" Ann's vision was blurry as she opened her eyes. She sat back up, on  a hospital bed, attached to some machines, and tubes. She started pulling on them. She was in a hospital gown, and she panicked. "My...My cloths...M..Where...I...Help!" She was confused and delirious.

"Mrs.Oberoi...You are safe now...You are okay...You are in the hospital...You are  safe...I am Gauri...Your husbands nurse...You remember?"

"My...My husband...How...How is he? Shiv...Shivaay....How is he?" She started collecting her thoughts back in order.

"He...He is still in recovery..." Gauri placed a reassuring hand on her. Tears started pouring down Ann's face, and she started to tremble. Feeling nauseous, she tried to get off the bed.

"It's okay Mrs.Oberoi....Here...If you want to throw up, you can..." Gauri, passed her a paper bag.

"Was I? Was I?" She kept mumbling, recalling the moments of struggle in the parking lot, where Daksh had transformed in to a beast. Someone she never expected him to be.

" The doctors did comprehensive check up...In case...In case if you wish to press charges for assault...Whoever it was, didn't get the chance to...I am so sorry Mrs.Oberoi, unfortunately there is nothing much in the CCTV either. A man in a helmet brought you in through the fire escape, so we are not certain who attacked you! Do you...Do you have any idea? Perhaps the police can help?"

"NO...No Police...No...I...I am okay...I...I...I am okay...I...I just want to see my husband...Can you please take me to him?" She pleaded.

Gauri nodded and readied the wheelchair for her. Ann trembling got on to the wheelchair. Gauri placed her hand on her shoulder and she gasped.

"Mrs.Oberoi...If you wish to speak to our counsellor..."

"No...I...I am fine...I...I just need to see my husband...Please..." She closed her eyes, opening and closing her fists. Gauri, sighed, and pushed her to the ICU, where Shivaay was getting treated. She stopped by the glass window, and Ann pressed her face on to the glass.

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