Can I Call You Tonight? 🍂

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After the party ended, Nick found himself in his room with a huge hangover. He slowly lifted himself out of bed and looked at his phone to see a new number.

Purple Vans.

He stared at the name for a moment, trying to recall anything that happened last night which he had no avail. With a small sigh, he climbed out of bed and went off to a shower.

Slowly he took off his clothes and got inside the shower. The water trickled down his body as he rubbed the water off his face.

After about 15 minutes, he got out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist. He walked back into his room and started to get dressed. Quickly he came to the decision to stay in bed most of the day and watch Demon Slayer.

He sat in his bed when his phone buzzed on his nightstand.  He reached over and grabbed his phone looking at a text message.

purple vans

hi :]

Nick stared at the message for a long moment. Something flooded into his mind. That's the same thing that was written on that note. He then began to start typing.

hi :)
are you the one who wrote that note yesterday?

He watched as his message went from delivered to opened at 10:37. Then the person on the other end started to type.

which note? you mean in mr. wesson's class?

yeah :)

ah then it probably was me XD
i got bored cause it's math.

i feel that. his class is super boringgg  😭😭
soo what's your name?

maybe i don't wanna tell you :)

you're so mean 😔 just like dream 😔😔


well can i call you tonight?

Nick stared at the bright screen watching as three dots would a appear then disappear. After a short moment he finally got an answer.

i mean we could call right now if you want :)

He looked at the message for a moment then clicked the call button. It rang about 3 times before he heard a voice he hasn't heard before.

"Hello?" Nick nearly dropped his phone. He didn't even know the name of the person he was talking to but the person's voice was so soft and soothing.

"Oh, uh, hi." Nick mentally face palmed himself with how he answered then cleared his throat. "So you're the one who left that note?"

"I am." The person on the other line giggled. "His class is really boring and when am i going to need to know when y equals m x plus b?"

Nick laughed and soon the other person joined.

"You know what. I'm gonna call you purple vans until I find out your name."

"I'll call you red converse."

"Hmm. How about this. We meet each other at homecoming. We can meet up right outside the school, by the east hallway."

"Alright, let's do it then."

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