Tongue Tied 🍂

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It's been a few days since Nick and his mystery boy had called. The ravenette was trying, non-stop to find the person.

"So you talked to him on the phone but you don't even know who it was?" Clay chuckled slightly.

"Yeah. He seems so..interesting." Clay gave Nick a smirk.

"You should talk to him more." Nick gave Clay the same look.

"Just like you should just talk to George." Just then George walked up to them and Clay wrapped an arm around him.

"Hi bubs." Clay said with a smile then turned to Nick whose mouth was gaping open.

"You started dating and didn't even say anything?" He grabbed Clay's shoulders and started to shake him. "And I thought I was your best friend." He faked a sad face and turned away causing a laugh from the blonde.

"We've been dating since Tommy's party. And let's just say he looks good in blue." George punched Clay's arm jokingly.

"He's definitely a character, Gogy." Nick responded to the punch.

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot, so do you wanna come over tonight? Georgie and a friend of his are coming over."

"Sure. But if me and this other person have to third wheel, I'm leaving." Nick turned on his heels almost dropping his history book.

"Cool. You can come over whenever you're ready." Clay walked off with George and Nick stood there, alone.

Who is that mystery guy? I wonder if I'll meet him before homecoming. I wonder if he's in one of my classes.


Clay and Nick were in his room, drinking monsters and just talking. There was a knock on the door and Clay got up to see who it was.

Soon there was a conversation between three people that was muffled through the door. Then Clay came into the room with two guys.

"Alright looks like we're all here- oh! Nick this is Karl, Karl this is Nick." Clay said gesturing towards the two of them.

"Hi." Nick nearly spat his drink out when he heard the voice. "Red converse?"

"Purple vans?" Sapnap laughed at the comment, they only knew each other from one note that was shared between the two.

Karl let out a small giggle and sat next to him.

"So how about we play truth or dare but with shots. Basically if you get asked a truth question and don't want to answer then take a shot. If you get told a dare and don't do it then you take a shot. Plain and simple." Clay suggested


They've been playing for a while and all four of them are almost wasted.

"Nick, truth or dare?" Clay said with slurred words.


"I dare you to.." he thought for a moment then smirked slightly. "Play seven minutes in heaven with Karl."

The two of them sort of shrugged then went into Clay's closet and started making out. The moment was getting slightly heated by each second.

After seven minutes they came out of the closet and sat back down in their original spots. Little did they know, Clay took a photo of them as a joke.

The night went on and eventually they all fell asleep. Karl was cuddled up to Nick, nuzzling his face in the ravenette's chest.

Red converseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن