Midnight City🍂

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Karl sat in anticipation upon waiting for Nick to finish his statement. Nick let out a sharp breath before continuing. "Karl, I know we've only known each other for a few days but I must ask," he hesitates for a moment before coming to a conclusion. He started the car and headed into the city. It was a pretty nice day out but Nick would show him the city at night later. Karl sat back in his seat, looking out the window. Then the car came to a stop and Karl watched as Nick got out of the car, went to Karl's side and opened the door for him.

Karl laughed slightly, "why thank you." He took the hand Nick held out for him and followed the ravenette towards a small, glistening river. Karl was astonished that he's never found this place before, though he's lived there for as long as he can remember. Nick stands by him looking at his distorted reflection in the water.

"I used to come here all the time when I was younger, I'm kind of glad not a lot of people know about it." Nick said with a small laugh. "Karl, I want to take you out. Like on a date." Karl turned towards Nick a small shade of crimson red dusted his face as he smiled softly.

"I'd love to go on one. Even if it's to like Taco Bell or somethin." Karl replied, laughing a little. Nick nervously laughed with him and the two stayed by the river. They decided to get some food and went back to watch the sunset

"We should probably head to your place, like our original plan was." Nick said and the two got into the car and started off to Karl's house.

  Then a song came on. Midnight City.

The two enjoyed the ride, watching as the city lights would shine through the windshield of Nick's car. The city was still, aside from the random sounds of cars passing by. They soon made it to a more quiet and peaceful neighborhood and pulled into Karl's driveway.

The house itself was pretty modern. It was blue with white trimming and a small porch that led up to a large white door. In the front was a decent sized yard with grass that seemed to have been just recently cut.         

Nick put his car in park and looked at the house, astonished. Karl simply got out of the car, soon followed by Nick.    

"I don't think my parents are home at the moment, they're both quite busy at times but I'm sure they won't mind that you're over." Karl interlocked their fingers and walked inside, leading Nick to his room.

The room was definitely one for a colorful maximalist person. The walls were covered in all kinds of posters and paintings. His bed was in a corner by a window that had soft lighting from the moon and street lights outside.

Nick sat down with Karl on the bed and they ended up turning on a movie eventually snuggling up and falling asleep together. This time, it wasn't in their sleep.

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