Out Of My League 🍂

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Nick woke up to the feeling of being cold and noticed Karl wasn't there. He slowly sat up, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. He soon came to the conclusion that Karl wasn't in the room with him and ascended down the stairs.

Karl was sitting on the couch while talking to someone on the phone. He didn't seem to notice Nick was standing near him. "I'm pretty sure I'm out of his league. Or maybe he's out of my league, I don't know. He's just..such a better person than me. He deserves someone better- not that we're official but.." his voice trailed off. Nick took notice of this and proceeded to sit down next to the brunette who averted his gaze, that was once fixated on the floor, towards Nick and proceeded to end the call with another person.

"If anything, you are out of my league." Nick gave him a look that was full of reassurance as he reached over to cup Karl's face in his hand. He then moved his hand to squeeze Karl's.

Karl looked at him for a long moment before glancing at their intertwined hands. "If you really insist."

"I do insist." Nick cooed in his ear before slowly standing up with Karl's hand still intertwined with his. "I know a nice cafe we could go to for breakfast." Karl nodded and the two left the house.

They walked hand in hand down the street to a small cafe that had a nice homey feeling to it. The two ordered coffees and some breakfast and started to engage in conversation before deciding to go back to Nick's to just lay around and watch movies for the rest of the day.

They were in the middle of a movie when Karl looked at Nick.

"I have a question." Nick let a small hum, which Karl took as agreement to continue. "What are we? Are we friends? Friends with benefits? Lovers? What are we?"

Nick turned his gaze from the tv and to the brunette who was cuddled impossibly close to him. "We're whatever you want to be." He said with a small smile.

"Then..can we call each other official?" Nick noticed how his eyes watered slightly, which he didn't understand why but he moved his hand and cupped Karl's face and wiping away his tears.

"Of course, my darling."

A/N: sorry for the short chapter, ive been busy and didn't have motivation to write it lmao

have a good day/night

- sleepichuu

Editor's Note(s): N/A

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