The Car 🍂

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Nick awoke in his bed. He tried to sit up but was held down by a small amount of weight. Arms were wrapped around him and when he looked down he saw Karl clinging to him. For the second time. He seemed to have forgotten that Karl spent the night at his house.

With a blush dusted on his face, he slowly slipped from Karl's grip and he walked into the bathroom. He stood in front of the mirror seeing his face.

He tried to shake it off but the warm feeling he had when he was around Karl was slowly disappearing. To distract himself, he turned on the shower and began to undress. He climbed into the shower, the water trickled down him.

His hands ran through his hair as he let out a breath. The feeling of warm water going down his body led him to start thinking about different things.

There's no way I can like Karl, we just met a few days ago..yet something draws me to him, like a hook on a string. Like how the waves attract Clay towards them to go surfing. Maybe, just maybe, it's possible that I might have fallen for a person I met not even a week ago.


Karl woke up to the feeling of warmth being slipped away. He sits up with a small stretch and looks at his surroundings. That's when he realized that he's in Nick's room. He then started to think back to a few days ago.

Perhaps I like Nick. But he'd probably think it's weird if I told him. Especially since we met a few days ago...oh! I know. I'll tell him at homecoming. I mean it's next weekend but at least by then we'll have known each other longer than a few days.

Karl slipped out of the bed and went over to his bag that had all of his belongings. He opened it and dug out some clothes that he quickly changed into, listening in to make sure the shower was still running.

Soon after, Nick walked out. He was wearing a plain white hoodie with a pair of shorts. His hair was still dripping wet, but Karl found it attractive but then quickly got rid of the thought.

"Good morning. Sorry if I woke you up." Nick said, slightly nervous then sat down on his bed. "So what do you like to do for fun? I know that Clay likes to go surfing and I like skateboarding."

"I like..actually it's kinda embarrassing." Karl had his gaze fixated on the floor but soon after he looked back at Nick.

"I'm sure it isn't." Nick said with reassurance in his voice.

"Well, I really enjoy painting. Maybe you could come over to my house and we can paint together, tomorrow's Sunday anyways."

"I think it'd be fun to hang out at your place." Nick smiled as he got up and started to pack his stuff then started to walk out to his car with Karl.

They both got in and Nick turned to him. "Can I tell you something? It may be kind of sudden but I feel like I should."

"Sure, go write ahead." Karl replied as he grabbed Nick's phone by accident. The song currently playing was The Car and the music played in the background.

The two of them locked eyes together and Nick opened his mouth to speak. "Well, I feel like I should tell you know, not that it'll be too late if I don't but I need to get it out of my system. Karl I.."

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