Chapter 5

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If someone told me I would be sitting in front of the mirror in my bedroom looking at my reflection crying like all those years I would have laughed at that person. Not did I ruin my marriage by constantly involving Phiwe in everything I also lost my husband. Scelo moved out of our house and rented a flat close to where he works. The whole honeymoon trip was a disaster before it even begin. I now know why he left me its because I was worshipping my best friend more than him. He was suppose to be my number priority instead of my best friend. It doesn't make it any better now because the same Phiwe I cared about took a job offer in Cape Town and here am I wailing up in sorrow that I brought to myself.


I knock on my neighbors door and wait for them to invite me. The door opens and someone who I last saw years ago opens the door.

Me: (gasping) Phiwe is this you?

Phiwe: (smiling) Pinky wow its been years.

She engulfs me in a hug, I break the hug while she moves out of the way inviting me. I stumble my way inside as she closes the door.

Phiwe: Beauty and perfection like your name.

I giggled 

Pinky: You look beautiful too Jo'burg must be treating you good.

She shrugged her shoulders and usher me to the lounge.

Phiwe: I'm sorry about you mother and sister.

I rolled my eyes and fake a smile. I just wish everybody could stop saying that. People die everyday it's not a big deal.

Me: Thank you!

Phiwe: How is the family? I mean if it was me I would still be-

I cut her short. I've got better things to do than listening her rumbling about dead people.

Me: Not to cut you short Phiwe but that subject it's still raw to me. I don't like talking about.

She bumps her forehead with her palms twice.

Phiwe: I can be stupid at times. I'm sorry.

Me: Don't sweat it! I came to invite to a party this afternoon.

A frown covers her face but quickly mask it with a smile.

Phiwe: I dont  think I will make it. I have a lot of work to catch up on.

Me: Come on Phiwe it's Saturday. Work can wait.

She heavily sigh.

Me: Great I'll see you there.

I stood up and walked away before she could respond.


I just finished with my exams a week ago. I'm only waiting for my results to know whether I passed or not. My dad and aunt call from time to time to check upon us. He left his company in the hands of his trusted employee because he knows none of us know how the company works. Apart from me not having matric my brother is into IT well while my sister is more into herself. I'm just taking baby steps not rushing anything.

Me: Short right

I hop off the taxi and close the door. I wait for it to speed off so I can cross the street and make my home after a long day at work. I work part time as a waiter.


Msa has been pestering me with calls and messages. I kept blocking him but he kept calling me with different numbers and I had to change my number. Msa is like an ex I would erase from my ex's list if I could. I came here to be my life around not to be tormented by him.

I take the trash outside.

Voice: Sawubona

I turn to face the voice. It's a man i've never seen before. The blazing sun penetrate his white skin. His skin colour suits perfectly. I usually go for dark chocolate skin but I would definitely choose this one over a heart beat. His big brown eyes boring my skin wants me to crawl back to the house. His so fucken yummy I could eat him. Gosh I'm staring.

Me: (stuttering) H-HHi

Why the hell am I stuttering all of a sudden? 

Him: I haven't seen you around. Are you new here?

Before I could answer my mother loud voice chirps in from inside.

Mom: Phiwe yiza ne doom nanga lamaphela engena efridge.

I swear this woman is an enemy of progress. Can't she see I'm trying to bring her a son in law. I'm changing the game now. I'm the one asking this guy out, it's the 21st century anyway everything is possible.

Mom: Awamkhulu Phiwe izowabona.

Gosh can she stop talking about the cockroaches already. I'm sure the guy now knows we have cockroaches in our house.

Me: I'm sorry about that where were we?

Mom: Uluphiwe nyathela nango esiza kwelocala. (shouting) Uluphiwe! Uluphiwe!

Embarrassment washes over me.

Mom: Phiwe did you-

She trails off.

Mom: Oh Nkosi!

She blushes while I shift my attention to the stranger standing near the bin with a backpack on his back. My eyes widen. This is the famous Nkosi she's been crushing on? No! No! No! She did not talk about her big cockroaches in his presence. I might as well kiss being noticed by him goodbye!

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