Chapter 14

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Tumi: Babe is everything alright?

The world stops moving, the only thing I can hear is my heart beat thudding up in my chest. 

Tumi: Scelo?

Me: Everything is fine sthandwa sam Kyle was just passing by.

I muttered staring at him. 

Kyle: Oh no I'm not going anywhere.

Me: Yes you are.

Tumi: (frowning) Scelo what's going?

Kyle: I'll tell you what's going on here. Your precious husband is my husband too.

Tumi: (gasping) What?

Her disgusted face find mine. 

Tumi: Scelo?

She whispered with a breaking voice. She sure hates my guts right now but I'm not going to let Kyle walk all over me. He made his choice now he must live with it.

Me: (chuckles)Me? Come on sthandwa sam you think I would do that to you with a men especially?

Kyle: Scelo stop lying tell her the truth she deserves to know.

Me: (calmly) What truth? That you have been stalking me since i've been working at the hospital.

Kyle: (eyes widen) What? Scelo tell the truth.

His voice sound inaudible.

Me: I'm telling the truth. 

I walk towards Tumi and hold her shaky hands into mine. Tears are falling from her eyes while her lips quiver.

Me: Sthandwa sam I didn't want to worry you about anything. Kyle has been texting and threatening me if I don't break up with you he will kill you. He forced me to marry him because he was obsessed with me. He said he couldn't watch me being happy with someone else beside him. 

Kyle: (shouting) Scelo stop lying. (breaking voice) How could you do this to me? To us Scelo. What happening to you to make you hate me this much. You had to fabricate a lie about me in order to save yourself. (crying) Just tell the poor girl the truth that you're guy.

Me: (hissing) For the last time Kyle I'm not gay. I prefer  pussy than hairy anal.

He gasped and move to us. He tried to get hold of my hands but I yank the off.

Kyle: (crying) Scelo it's me your Kyle. Baby don't do this to me. (kneeling) Please just look at me it's me.

Me: Stay away from me Kyle. Your obsession is starting to get dangerous. Baby let's go.

I scoop Tumi in my arms who had zone out and walked away living Kyle. Weeping with no care at all. He brought this to himself. He made me choose between them, he pushed me to this decision. If he was a better husband like he claimed he would even came here he would have trusted me.



My body and soul feel numb. My mind keeps taking me back to what Kyle said. Is Scelo really gay? If he was I would have seen the signs right? Or am I too ignorant to notice them while they are in front of me. I must have fallen asleep while still crying. I have a massive headache. I lotion my body and opted for a maxi dress with sandals. I wish I could switch my body with someone's else's. Don't I deserve some kind of happiness after what i've been through. This is the main reason Phiwe and I made those vows because of this feeling. This feeling of doubt and uncertain of yourself. I love Scelo with every fibre of my being but I didn't expect this kind of betrayal from him. I expect a woman instead of a man. A banging knock snaps me out of my thoughts.

Voice: Baby please open up we need to talk.

Last night when we arrived I chased him out. I couldn't bring myself to face him.

Me: (crying) Go away Scelo.

Scelo: Please my Iove you have to believe me I did nothing wrong. 

Me: (screaming) Leave me alone.

I sink on the floor and burst into tears. Is love suppose to hurt like this.


I hear a loud sob followed by a loud scream. This got out of control within a blink of an eye. I had everything under control but Kyle had to mess up everything. He couldn't keep his mouth shut and now his going to regret it. I take my phone and text him.

Me: Where are you?

He texts immediately.

Kyle: I'm still at the hotel.

Me: Meet me by the pool in 5.

I make my to the pool and wait for him. I press the sound recorder, it start recording immediately. He approaches me like someone who hasn't slept for days.

Me: Thank you for meeting up with me.

He nodded.

Me: Tell me Kyle how did you find me again?

Kyle: I hacked your phone. 

Me: (calmly) Why did you do that?

Kyle: Because Scelo I love you. When I saw you with her the other day at the hospital something in me snapped. I couldn't let you be happy while I'm miserable.

I press save before he goes any further.

Me: I told you many times that I'm handling the situation the best way I can. You fail to stay in your lane Kyle. You had no right. I repeat no right to come and tell my wife my sexuality. 

Kyle: (snapping) I did what was best okay.

Me: Best for who? Best for you right? Did took a minute and try to think about the damage you've caused? I could sue you for defamation of character do you know that.

I feel my blood boiling. His not remorseful for what he did.

Kyle: Scelo you made me look like a psycho in front of her. The bitch-

Me: Shut the fuck up!

I roar at him. I'm sicking and tired of him. I made a choice and I'm going to stay true to my wedding vows. I took out the ring in my pocket and threw it at him.

Kyle: Scelo you're not thinking straight. Baby don't do this.

Me: Expect hearing from my lawyer.

I clicked my tongue and start to walk away but he gets hold of my legs. We have live audience right now.

Me: What are you doing?

Kyle: (crying) Please don't leave me.

Me: (grinding teeth) Kyle you're causing a scene.

I try to walk but it's a struggle because his crawling like a toddler holding legs.

Kyle: (crying) Tell me what to do I will do it. I will stop nagging and I will leave here if you want to but please baby please don't break up with me I won't survive it.

I bend down and remove his hands off my legs. 

Me:  (grinding teeth) We are done. We are through get that into your thick skull. 

Kyle: (shouting) I love you Scelo and I'm going anywhere. I know I mess up but I will wait for you until you calm down.

I walk away from the scene and make my way to Tumi's room. On my there I sent her the audio crossing my fingers she will believe me.  I stood at the door with my heart thudding in my chest. I have a lot of convincing to do, right then my phone rings. Its her.

Me: Baby?

Tumi: (crying) I'm so sorry for believing him over you. I'm sorry baby.

Me: I'm outside your room open up so we can talk.

She opens the door and threw herself on me.

Tumi: (sobbing) I'm sorry! I'm sorry.

Me: (stroking her back) It's okay sthandwa sam. I will never hurt you like that especially with a man. You're more than enough for me keep that in mind.

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