23. The Day Of Aliyah and Baek-Hyun

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Two of my college friends from second year invited me to play recreational volleyball with their team when gym happened to get a free hour. I loved volleyball when I was in high school and I was even a part of the high school team. It's just that I figured I won't have much time for that when I enter college, considering how much there actually is to study, so I naturally didn't try out for this.

They kept telling me it's all friendly and has no purpose, nagging me to join them after learning that I was the high school capitain. I couldn't say no.

In your face, Seong Baek-Hyun; I do have other friends than you.

The thought keeps echoing my mind.  I certainly have been having these imaginary conversations with him in my head. They say making up fake scenarios in your mind is a sign of mental sickness. Well then, how come they aren't taking me to a mental hospital yet?

As I hit the last point and our little friendly match finishes, Vicky and Gina run over to me and hug me big time.

"Oh my god!" Gina yelps, "You are so good. Why aren't you in our team?"

Some other girls from the team that I have just met come closer as well, with friendly faces all over them. One freckly little brunette smiles at me saying, "She is right. You would do well on the team. Why don't you join us?"

I laugh awkwardly and put my hair behind my ear, "I don't know. I guess I thought that I wouldn't have much time for studying if I had volleyball practices every day."

"Okay, listen, " Vicky throws an arm around my shoulder, "We don't have practice every day. It's three times a week. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You get a free weekend to study all you want and all the days in between. It's not that big of an obligation. "

They continue pestering me to join their team, saying why I would be of use to them and how they would do the same for me. I couldn't just say no so I told them that I'm gonna think about it.

As I head home that day, I get a text message at the uni's exit.

Baek-Hyun: Buy some bread

Why do I need to do that? I groan and put my phone in my pocket, heading for the bakery closest to our home. What have the three of them been doing the whole day?

I knock on Baek and Jordan's door after getting the bread and it opens, revealing the Korean doofus. He lets me inside and I take off my coat and leave the bread in the kitchen.

"Why do I need to buy bread for you guys? Are you five year olds?"

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