39. The Beach Day

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Their friends kept circulating around the hotel and having fun, but Heavenly and Jordan stayed in their rooms not really feeling the mood. Tomorrow came after a restless night. Joe couldn't even remember to wash his teeth but Baek knew him all too well and reminded him not to spread his unhygenic smell through the room or he was gonna be thrown out.

The whole crew went to the beach, along with other people from the faculty making it a large company. The beach was alive with chatter and laughter as the group of friends, along with Jordan's basketball friends Isaac, Zed, and Anthony, soaked in the vibrant atmosphere. Anthony couldn't resist the opportunity to chat with Heavenly. His charming personality made their interaction seem effortless.

"Hey, Heavenly! I haven't seen you in a while! How about a game of volleyball?" Anthony flashed a smile, trying to keep it light and casual.

Heavenly chuckled. "Sure, why not? I could use some exercise."

Watching from a distance, Jordan noticed Anthony's friendly overtures. An uneasy feeling brewed within him. He approached them, attempting to steer the conversation, with his usual easy-going tone. "Mind if I join in? I beat everyone im everything but still haven't tried volleyball."

Heavenly rolled her eyes, annoyed at his overconfident personality, but looked away trying to stop herself from letting a smile break through. Jordan's heart beat quicker seeing her usual annoyance with him. Maybe she is ready to speak to him.

Anthony glanced at Jordan, nodding. "Of course, the more, the merrier."

"Hey, " he greeted Heaven shortly, attempting ti say more but it just wouldn't slip out. They exchanged a steamy gaze, pulled into their own world.

Heavenly nods saying a quick, "Hi," and then grabs the ball from Anthony, breaking their contact and cutting off anything Jordan was gonna say, "Let's play. "

But despite Jordan's efforts, Anthony's attention seemed firmly planted on Heavenly.

"I know a great place for volleyball back in Philadelphia too, near the uni. We could check it out sometime if you'd like, " he seems persistent to keep seeing her.

Heavenly gives him a smile, "Sure. "

Jordan felt a surge of discomfort, his competitive nature emerging.

"Anthony, mind helping me set up the net over there?" Jordan's request was more of a diversion than a real need.

Anthony obliged, but his affable nature remained consistent. "Sure thing, man."

As Anthony went for the net, Jordan stayed back for a moment.

Alone with Heavenly, Jordan tried to sound nonchalant. "Having a good time?"

She nodded, flashing a bright smile. "Yeah, it's been fun. " She kept watching poor Anthony struggling to pull up the net on the other side. He seemed to have a difficult time.

Heavenly glanced back at Jordan, "What are you doing making him fix the net? There's nothing wrong with it. Are you plotting something? "

Her brown eyes crinkle in suspicion towards him. Jordan glances away for a second and scratches his neck, "No. It was just uneven on both sides. "

"Maybe your eyesight is uneven, " she tells him, playing with the ball by herself.

Jordan huffs, unhappy with her teasing him about it. He had enough of discomfort watching her with another guy and now she is giving him pain again.

"Shut up, hello kitty, " his tongue slipped, as the edge of his mouth danced.

Her eyes widened. She covered her face, "What did you say?"

The Days That CountOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora