Chapter no.1

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Yunho entered the business classroom once again, it was only the end of September but he was too tired to stay in school. He already had skipped lessons a couple of times, just because he couldn't bare to hear everyone's thoughts at once. His head was always about to explode and it made him so mad to not be able to concentrate. The only thing that made him feel better was knowing that he was one in a billion kind of guy, not by personality but by his psychic ability and nobody knew about it just him himself.
But the way he heard everyone's thoughts everyday every time, his studies were getting heavily affected by it all, he barely passed the classes with tutors, even if anything that he heard was way quieter than talking.

As he was trying to write down notes, a guy walked in late and breathing heavily.
"Good morning, I'm sorry for being late."

Yunho lifted his eyes at the guy and noticed it's his buddy Mingi. He smiled as Mingi went next to Yunho and sat down.

Yunho followed him with his eyes and greeted him with a happy smile.
"How was vacation? You were gone for a long time."

"I know, I was supposed to be back last week but the flight kept on delaying, it's fine tho, I still had fun."
Mingi gave Yunho a smile back.

Yunho shook his head and looked back at his notebook when he started hearing a new voice that was close to him, very close..
Yunho dyed his hair? Why didn't I compliment it? He looks so good with green hair, I wish I looked like him. He's so handsome and perfect, I wish he'd spend more time with me..

Yunho looked back at Mingi with a slight frown. Mingi looked at him and snd widrned his eyes.

"What about we hang out today? We need to catch up about that vacation you were on."
Yunhos frown was immediately gone and exchanged with a smile.

Mingi smiled.
"Of course. I brought you some things for you too, I'm more than happy to spend time with you again."
Mingi giggled and then faced his work again. His thoughts were still all about Yunho.
He knows everything that I want, he's such a great friend.. I want him forever with me.

After a few seconds, Yunho noticed that he has been starring at Mingi's eyes for a bit too long after that thought of Mingi's.
Yunho immediately smiled and faced his notebook, covering his face from the Mingi's side. Mingi looked down at his own notebook and started blushing too.

"Uh... do you maybe wanna study together tomorrow?"
Yunho put his hand down and looked at Mingi with the blush on his face, being quite obvious.

Mingi nodded.
"Of course, I need to catch up on school."

"Great. Today we chill and for the rest of the week we can study?"
Yunho made another question.

"Don't you go to help out in the animal centre on Fridays?"
Mingi giggled.

"Well- yeah, except for Friday. Can we go together?"
Yunho rested his head on his hand.

Mingi smiled and giggled.
You miss me so much, it makes me feel so happy.
He turned to Yunho and nodded happily.

Yunho giggled.
"I miss you so much, I haven't seen you for two months."

"I missed you too."
Mingi said shyly.

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