Chapter no.4

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When they got there, it was already dark.
On the way there they decided to go get some snacks, it was only a bit past eight when they got to Yunhos apartment.
Mingi took off his shoes immediately when they stepped in and took his coat off and hanged it on the hanger.

"Yunho, you didn't really tell me how you afford this apartment."
Mingi giggled and looked at him.

"Ah~.. my parents help me a bit, but aside from that I work for my dad when I come back home, I get paid quite much, but not as much as you."
Yunho took his shoes off and winked at Mingi.

"I didn't think you get paid as much as me, I get paid a bit too much maybe."
Mingi chuckled.

Yunho put their backpacks down, he took the bag with snacks and put an arm around Mingi's waist, leading him to his room.
"I love touching your waist, it's just so satisfying how my arm can fit so nicely on it."
Yunho smiled.

"Yeah, I know you love me whole."
Mingi giggled and moved Yunhos hand further on his bare waist.

"I know you know. But I still love you like a friend too, just like you do, you little liar."
Yunho started blushing as he spoke.

He really knows me well. It's almost like he can read my mind like a book.
Mingi looked down and started blushing too.

Yunho started laughing as he heard that. He put the snack bag down, pushed Mingi on the bed and jumped on him and hugged his waist.
"Why do you need to always wear crop tops, you're such a show off."

Mingi started laughing along and hugged Yunhos neck, pulling him even closer.
"I like my body."

"That's real good, isn't it?"
Yunho looked up at Mingi.
"I love your body too, kinda feminine yet really masculine, a slutty waist, broad shoulders, thick thighs, a perfect build."
Yunho smiled widely and winked at Mingi playfully.
"For now, just for me."

"And you say you don't love me? What a liar."
Mingi giggled and winked right back at Yunho.

"I'm just playing your game."
Yunho put his head back down on Mingi's chest.

Mingi pat his head.
Please don't ever leave it then, don't ever stop playing it, please be addicted to it like to games you play, it will be better for both of us, I can be a good boyfriend, just please, please don't ever leave me.

Yunho turned his head to a side and widened his eyes. He was not expecting such thoughts from the guy below him. His smile widened as he blushed and then he sat up.
"What about we watch something?"

"Sure, why not."
Mingi giggled and sat up.

Yunho went to his desk, took his laptop, took the snack bag and threw it at Mingi playfully. He sat down next to Mingi and opened his laptop.
"What do you want to watch?"
Yunho looked at Mingi with a wide smile.

"Uh- what about some horror?"
Mingi put his head on Yunhos shoulder.

Yunho kept his eyes on Mingi, he giggled and put one of his arms around Mingi's shoulders.
"What about romance? In a friendly way."

Mingi looked up at Yunho.
"What about something in between?"

Yunho pulled Mingi closer and started searching for movies.

Mingi's face flushed red, he hugged Yunhos chest and kept his head on his shoulder.
Don't ever stop holding me, only your touch can make me feel like this.

Yunho lifted his hand to Mingi's hair and started caressing it. Yunho was starting to grow feelings for Mingi. Before he was just playing around, but now he was feeling genuine feelings towards Mingi.
As he turned on the movie, Mingi's arms moved down, hugging Yunhos waist. Yunho kept his eyes on Mingi, and not on the movie. Yunho put his head on Mingi's and snuggled his nose into his hair.
"Your hair smells great, princess."
Yunho smiled.

"You smell great, really good."
Mingi snuggled his head into Yunhos neck and closed his eyes, smiling,

"You're so gorgeous."
Yunho said in a breathy voice as he laid his head on top of Mingi's.

"You are too, really."
Mingi giggled and moved even closer to Yunho, putting his legs over Yunhos.
Oh gosh, I am so close to him, I love this moment.

"You're okay with this? Right?"
Yunho put his other hand on Mingi's neck, petting it lovingly,

Mingi slightly nodded and giggled.
What about you just turn the movie off and we go to bed? I want you to hold me, hold me close.
Mingi smiled again as he started breathing heavily.

Yunho moved the hair from Mingi's forehead and kissed it.
"I'm not sure if it's the movie, or is it just your affect of me."
Yunho whispered.

Mingi looked up at him.
"I hope it's my affect."

"Or maybe it's that we're both sleepy."
Yunho paused the movie and moved Mingi on his lap and hugged him tight.
"So warm.."

Mingi hugged his neck and pulled him even closer.
"Maybe it is."

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