Chapter no.7

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After a few hours, Yunho was finally going to class. He was late not by minutes, but by hours.
Without even saying anything, he went to his seat and sat down.

"Jeong Yunho, where's your apology for being late?"
The teacher frowned at him.

"You don't deserve a fucking apology, you've skipped lessons bunch of times and we still had to sit in class. Next time think before talking."
Yunho put down his bag and took his books down, setting them on the table.

"You won't graduate with this kind of attitude, young man."
The teacher looked back at the board and kept on writing.

"Yeah yeah, whatever."
Yunho rolled his eyes and started taking notes.

His face was still kinda swollen from crying. His under eyes were red, his lips were still a bit swollen and he had a bit of red spots on his face. He still was sniffling and wiping the tears that were flowing a bit by a bit whilst he took notes. He obviously wasn't bothered by crying next to other people, he has grown onto it since he was an emotional person.
He looked at Mingi, which he was looking straight back at him.
Yunho glared straight at him until he turned away. Once the lesson finished, Yunho quickly packed up and decided to go home immediately. As he was putting his earphones in, he heard a calling from behind.
"Yunho! Wait! Wait!"
Mingi came running to him. Yunho didn't bother because he knew it was Mingi.

Mingi caught up to him and tried to put his hand on Yunho's shoulder but Yunho slapped it away and glared at him once again.
"Yunho, I'm really sorry. I'm so sorry.."
Mingi arched his eyebrows as he spoke.

"Whatever. Forget about it."
Yunho mumbled.

"I can't! I love you too!"
Mingi finally got a grip of Yunho's wrist and stopped him in place, making them face each other.
"You think this is easy for me?! Not at all! I love you too!"
Mingi was starting to tear up.

Yunho's eyes widened and his expression softened.

"Yunho, please.."
Mingi wiped away his tears carefully, careful not to mess up his makeup.

Yunho sighed and looked down.
"Love is supposed to be unconditional. If you don't like some quality about me, it's better if you find another person. And if you really do love me, then we wouldn't be in this situation."

"I know! I know and I know that I won't be able to find another person I will be happy as much with! Yunho, we've been friends for years, I really do love you, but I am dumb and I can't handle the fact that you will be hearing my thoughts.."
Mingi stepped closer to Yunho and landed his hands on his cheeks, stroking them.
"I love you and it's obvious that you feel the same way."

Yunho looked into Mingi's eyes.
"You don't love me yet. You need to accept every part of me. That will be when you'll love me."

"I do love you.."
Mingi nodded and put his head on Yunho's shoulder.

Yunho put his arms around Mingi's waist and pulled him into a hug.
"Not yet baby.. not yet."

"I've always loved you..."
Mingi hugged him tighter and kept on crying into his shoulder.
"I know I love you.. I know it."

Yunho pat his back lovingly and leaned against the wall behind him. Yunho faintly smiled as he pat Mingi's back.
"I feel so weak, I can't push you away again.. I love you so much."

"I love you so much too.."
Mingi moved a bit away, revealing his smudged eyeliner and eyeshadow.

Yunho put his hand on Mingi's cheek, caressing it carefully.
"Let's go clean you up. Okay?"

Mingi nodded and wiped away his tears.

Yunho put his arm around Mingi's shoulders and they started walking back to Yunho's place.

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