Chapter no.2

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After the lessons passed, they headed to the cafe nearby.
The cafe wasn't popular in the area and a few people knew it. It was Yunhos favourite place since compared to most of the places, he has had it too loud.
Mingi came into the shop, holding Yunhos hand, and with his head filled with thoughts.

"Let's go to our favourite spot."
Mingi continued holding his hand as they went to the table and sat down one in front of other.

"So tell me about how your vacation was."
Yunho giggled as he put his backpack away, enjoying the quiet.

"It was great, nothing really important tho, just a vacation."
Mingi rested his head on his hand.

"Oh cmon, so boring."
Yunho frowned.
"Tell me something new."

"Here wasn't anything that interesting, really."
Mingi giggled.
If you would've been there it definitely would've been better.

Yunho started blushing again and his smile widened even more.
"Did you see any stores with your clothes?"

"I actually did! It was quite weird, I got recognised by bunch of cashiers in the stores too, but they struggled with English so we used google translate to talk for like two minutes and then I left after they took a photo for their kids or something."
Mingi happily started talking about it all.

Yunho took his hands into his own and held them.
"I told you you could be a good influencer."

"I believe that it's all because of your motivation."
Mingi tilted his head to a side and smiled.
This is so embarrassing. We're just friends, not lovers... maybe I want us to be lovers? He really is starting to have a strong pull on me..
Mingi zoned out as he kept on looking at Yunhos puppy-like eyes.

Yunho giggled and started stroking Mingi's hands with his thumbs.
"You're so cute."

Mingi immediately looked down at Yunhos hands and then back up at his eyes and smiled once again.
"Can you please repeat yourself? I didn't hear that."

Yunho kept on gazing at Mingi's eyes with love shining in his eyes.
"It's nothing, don't worry."

"Im sorry, please tell me."

"It's really nothing, don't worry."
Yunho shook his head.

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