Chapter no.3

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As they were walking to Yunhos house, Mingi was clinging onto Yunhos hand. He kept their hands interlocked as they walked, he himself was red as a tomato, but he couldn't think of anything at that moment, just look at the ground and walk with Yunhos hand in his.

"Mingi, you've become kinda shy with me."
Yunho giggled and slightly squeezed his hand.
"You're so quiet when you hold my hand."

"Maybe I'm just- I just need to get used to it again."
Mingi smiled.

"Or do you just maybe like it?"
Yunho looked at him with a playful smug on his face.

Mingi kept looking down but he shook his head.
Obviously I like it dumbass. Take a hint.
"Why would you say anything about liking it? It's been a while since I had something like this."
Mingi giggled.

"Or maybe you're throwing me some hints you wish me to know?"
Yunho squeezed his hand again and kept on teasing him.

"No, I just need to get used to your touch again."
Mingi squeezed his hand right back and giggled.

"If you say so, princess."
Yunho let go of his hand, pulling him closer and putting a hand around Mingi's neck waist.
"Stay close to me."

Oh gosh, he's so hot and for what? Obviously I will stay close to you... I think I really do love you.
Mingi smiled as his thoughts started taking over his mind again. He put an arm around Yunhos shoulders and moved his hand up to Yunhos hair, caressing it lovingly.
His touch is the only touch I crave.. the only person I really hope that will see me how I am one day..
Mingi's thoughts kept on flowing as he rested his head on Yunhos shoulder.

"You're very cute."
Yunho giggled.

"Shut up.."
Mingi said in a lower voice and closed his eyes, trusting Yunho with the way in front of him.
Tell me more, tell me whatever, just please, don't shut up.

Yunho smiled and looked down at the path. Mingi's thoughts towards him were making him fall in love with Mingi even more, more than he already was. He kissed Mingi's head and smiled.
"You just want me to continue talking, don't you?"
Yunho giggled.

Mingi kept quiet. He was very flustered by the situation. He slightly nodded.
It's almost like he can read my mind. He knows me too well to not be able to know probably.

"Do you think you want to stay at my place for a bit longer today?"
Yunho smiled lovingly.

Mingi looked up at Yunho with a smile and flushed red cheeks.
Finally, please just ask me for more, talk to me, please.

"What about you sleep over? After all we're in university, it doesn't start that early."
Yunho giggled.

Mingi nodded happily and smiled widely.

"Good. I'll lend you clothes we don't need to go back."
Yunho squeezed his hand and smiled widely.

"Let's hurry then, my back hurts from all of the things today."
Mingi giggled.

"Oh cmon, it can't hurt as bad as mine, you didn't get a scholarship for swimming."

"I didn't get it for swimming, but I did get a scholarship too. We both did bunch of activities in school."
Mingi lifted his head and looked at Yunho.

"That's right, you got it for your knowledge and strength whilst I got it just for my strength."
Yunho nuzzled his head into Mingi's head.

"Your hair is so soft."
Mingi giggled.

"I know, it may be not healthy, but it's cared for."

"I love your hair."
Mingi put his hand on Yunhos head again and held it to his own face, with his head trembling from the warmth he's feeling radiating from Yunhos body.

Yunho nuzzled his head into Mingi's again.

"I think you love me.."
Mingi whispered.
I really am dumb. I shouldn't have said that. I'm such a dumbass.

Yunho looked up at Mingi and started laughing.
"What did you say?"
Yunho stopped next to a light post, stopping Mingi in front of him.
"You think I love you? Me?"

"What are you gonna say, you don't?"
Mingi leaned on the light post and sighed.

"I think you're in love with me actually."

"Oh you do?"
Mingi widened his eyes at Yunho and pointed at himself.

"Yeah, I do think you love me."
Yunho smirked and put his hands into his pockets.
"And what you're gonna say, you don't?"

"I- I.."
Mingi looked down and started blushing.
Shit. No way out of this situation is there? Gotta think of something quick..
"I.. uhm..."
Mingi looked up at Yunhos eyes.
"I love you as a best friend. Nothing more."

"Really now?"
Yunho chuckled.

Mingi bit his bottom lip and nodded boldly.
Does he believe me? I can't just start trying to convince him, he will think I do. There's no win in this situation.

Yunho giggled and started walking towards his home again.

"Oh cmon! Don't tell me you don't believe me!"
Mingi frowned and caught up to him quickly.

"I really don't."
Yunho chuckled and put his arm around Mingi's waist again.

"And who's the one touching me again?"
Mingi smiled and laughed.

"It's my love language! You know it!"
Yunho laughed and widened his eyes whilst looking at Mingi.

"Ok whatever. Now cmon, let's hurry up before it gets dark."
Mingi started walking faster.

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