lucifael: the fallen angel

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Song rec- tears ricochet by Taylor Swift

Chapter 1

Lucifael: the fallen angel

".....And he fell from the grace of the God into the pit of the abandoned that the mightiest one has turned his face away from"


'no,no, Lady Lucifael please don't say these forbidden words out loud!

'Why.....?,Lucifael said curving her earlier smug smile downwards.

'Why? Obviously,because- be'cause it's a forbidden word my lady we angels, the holy ones,who serve our holy lord should refrain from saying such disreputed words'

'But hell and the pit of the abandoned eventually means the same Opael' Luci turned her head low subsequently turning red from irking and spoke under her soft breath.

The hushed tune of Opael now turned soft and gentle and said- "my young swan", "you are the artitecture of divine beings' fate, Lucifael."

Opael was a good angel. If you think of good as being a disciplined being and following only the rules set up by someone. She was my teacher,expected to teach me to be perfect. She told me all sorts of tales to make me know perfectly well what heaven was. And I did understood what heaven was.

"When the heavens were churning and all the creations of God were a mess, and the white fields of the skies were red by the blood of the angels seeping through their translucent snowy wings. He who has the universe in his palm made a prophesy of an angel called Lucifael.-

After the ruler of demons reclaimed his place in hell and united all the unholy ones under his wing, he started abusing his potent power to the greatest extent. He began fouling the men of earth and the winged ones of heaven to fall into his nest of lies and malice.

He fell from heaven, but he wanted to drag anyone and everyone with him as well to the darkest depths of hell and put them in a path of antipathy.

When God couldn't bear to see his children falling down and dimishing,the white skies crumbling and beaten red in front of his eyes, he couldn't divert his eyes anymore. He created a place where even the lowliest creatures who've never seen light would despise and pray upon him to never go, a place on the opposite direction Of the skies where even the light would be disgruntled to touch, a place which would never recieve his gaze. The pit of the abandoned.

Even after establishing the pit of the wretchedness, the demons residing in didn't let go of their disarray and continue to besmirch the creations of the mightiest one.

When the disorderness between the angels and demons still persisted throughout decades and the products left behind from their quarrels continued to taint the name of God and heavens. The mightiest one finally made a decision.

"The great angel-demon conflict" he created a place and gave the time for the angels and demons to fight and resolve their power of gullibility through the name of fairness. The war of conflict of angels and demons lasted for about 100 years. And the sky And its eternal enemy started to shake, then shatter.

It was a matter of seconds when angels and demons finally realized that the war was never there to prove them right, but only the God.

After the weary prolonged war finally lost its passion and came to a halt,only a little amount of the warriors were left and they'd lost their strength too much to brew another conflict between the heaven or demons again anytime soon.

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