lucifer: the forgotten one

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Song rec- skinny lover by Bon Iver


Lucifer: the forgotten one

Lu- the evil one.
Once the 'prince of the day', or the 'son of morning' now eternally reffered to as the 'ruler of the demons'. Everyone told me that he was my predecessor, and I must never be like him.

The ruler of hell was one of the god's brightest creation, one of his angels, his child- a peculiar being who was born for the salvation and expansion of absolute good in the world. With wide,beautiful white wings as long and colossal in which two lower angels could easily be folded in, eyes as pleasing as the setting sun which always seemed to despise everything they saw, a outerworldly face like a group of constellations came together to bind themselves in a beautiful galaxy and an unexplainable beauty with which his whole body was covered with all the precious and rare gems of escasity, a beauty that even his own kinds felt desirable of; maybe this was the origin of the proud prince atleast that's what everyone thought so,

Everyone says, my teacher, all the angels and even the scribe, Metatron. Eveyone says that he was disobedient and a proud being for which he paid the price with every and still pays it with every particle of his existence. That he didn't listen to God and his teachings and he disobeyed and tainted his name, that he was too proud and wanted the heavens for himself and he defied to bow to men,the greatest creation of the God. Thus, he fell from his grace and became 'the fallen one'.

I don't believe it. Why would a person who already has everything do something which would be the ruination of him? He must've gained something from his downfall, he must've gained.. ..something.

The devil must've known something which we angels never gained englighment of.

He, who was created to be the light of the God, the path in which the creator walks on and the path which depletes when the creator has reached his destination. He was supposed to be the light of the God but as the years went by and he who just remained a masquerade of the heaven now saw the multiple flaws of the Great creation of the mightiest one, he must've felt a little cavity inside him that finally hollowed him and he lost his own source of light.

By being so perfect, he couldn't acknowledge what was he made for.

So he began doing things that he wasn't made for. He began defying god's orders. He began thinking from his own intellect. And he began falling from his grace somewhere near the gardens that his creator once made.

He didn't particularly loved the garden and the waterfall but something about them must've made him feel like less of an archangel who always walked strictly solely towards his path, and that was enough.

Might be that luh-lucifer......the forgotten one. No-No!. My predecessor my brother, he must've felt the fear of being perfect, like I do.

He must've have also laid somewhere in this garden next to this tranquil river, hearing its steady and peaceful sound of falling and felt a little bit inferior to it. This river sounds so tranquil. But it's falling down. How can something falling down feel so serene then? If I fall down from grace, can I be as serene as it too?

These questions. Did my brother had such thoughts as well. If these thoughts were the disgraceful start of his story, should I expect my befall too?

Lucifael finally knew a thing or two about lucifer now. She thought for a second, 'god really made two mistakes consecutively, her and lucifer'. But she snapped out of her thoughts breathing abnormally slapping her pink cheeks 'cause how can God ever create mistakes...?


[Cluck,thud, clack]

I slowly raised my eyes, just to greet nothing but a soulless land, I felt for a second I had God himself, I was scared. But it was a ray of light, not the God, a light which wrapped me who was feeling cold and deserted. In the events of me brushing dirt off my ragged clothes which had become quiet a shameful attire for the highly esteemed self such as mine, I sighed and stoop up to put the detached patches of my clothes together, I tore a piece from below my ankle-length robe, it wasn't clean, it was sprinkled with mud in different shapes and shades, nonetheless I had to tear it apart and somehow manage to look less unclad.

I found a body of clean water nearby.
I looked around to see if nobody was there, there was no one. Not even a single insect. The water of the waterfall can't be used to wash or be drunk, it is impossible. It is not water, it drives the one who dare drink it mad, even me if I dared. I had to search for a clean waterbody at least until I recollect myself and the situation I've woven.

I inspected the water, and slowly took off my mudded robe, it was golden once well nevertheless its now sprinkled with mud. I then took my inner dress, it was tattered and wore up, I looked at them with a longing to detach them from me forever and throw them away, but I had nothing right now and they were the only thing I had.

The pond was small, small enough for me not die. I smiled bitterly as I though whether I could actually die. I cleansed my body, the process was calming with only the shrubs underwater and algae making a colony on the pond to keep me company.


I jolted out as I heard a resonance in the woods. I wondered if there could be another stupid creature such as I who would be lost here, on the woods.

I wanted to run there and then and search for whatsoever thing which made such a tingling feeling of excitement in my brain, as I gulped up and down again and again. However, my clothes were all tattered and shabby at this moment, how could I possibly greet another creature on my first day on earth like this? No. I didn't had strength in my knees or any joints to let me walk or possibly befriend whoever was there,yes that's it. No. I wasn't aware who could be there, what if it's a dangerous entity I should remain separated from it. No. Truth was I was weak. I was as good as a mortal now, it was hard to except it, but I was worse than a human now. I was like a goat. And I'll not explain how.

I waited for a good time, till the sun dropped and the moon shone bright on the night sky, I blanketed myself with my own bare arms.

I wondered about heaven, about Opael and, Lucifer-

Such reminiscent thoughts, which were as vivid as the sun that shone on me from the heavens from the gardens of Eden were blurring my vision as I tried to lit some fire on my own. The powers of the archangel that I once possessed were now leaving my sullen and tired body like flickers of light and were surrounding me. I didn't knew then wheather they were cheering for me or spurning me or being repelled by the sinister being I had become.

As I finally managed to ignite some fire to warm myself up with and somehow spent my first night on earth which was rather...eventless contrary to my expectations.

But it felt light. My wings that were supposed to be the symbol of freedom which were rather heavy were not weighing me down anymore. I was free. I was in heaven.

The night went away with all the thoughts of reminiscence still igniting a flourishing inflammation in my heart.

As the sun started to overlap this side of the earth, I began to fall into a deep slumber as well. And when I woke up, I saw a strange creature in front of my face-

It looked like what some of the angels often used to talk about like an interesting topic of conversation - a man.

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