the scene of may

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Song rec- Auburn eyes by w00ds

Chapter -10

Scene of May

The bell rang. I withdrew my things back into my backpack, it was the last period of our first day at school in highschool, so of course the kids were cheerful and I must add 'annoying'. Honestly they are just excited and happy with each other (definitely not everyone). I mean I can already see that lousy guy in the back getting outcasted by the others and the other girl sitting a row beside me who obviously have some problems. But I do believe by the end of this week they'd be their joyful selves as well. I do not care about any of this though.

I care about just one person (I know I'm the primary cause of my issues). Besides waiting on him, I'm practically jobless. I should focus on studying but-

How can I? When he talks to others like that. He smiles ( I can even form an exact image of his teeth in my mind now), he even chuckles, and he stands so tall among them, he perfectly mixes with the popular kids ( there isn't a popular kids group yet, but I can predict that much), he looks dignified and different which makes me anxious.

I wouldn't really blame him if he let's go of me. I would let him let go of me. He has known me Since primary school and if I'm too uncool for him in highschool, it's reasonable.

I sigh and lay my head down again. I get up fast though, we're supposed to go back to home, "I wish" thought I "could just melt here". Very dramatic indeed.

I get up to trace back my footsteps back to where I came from. This is the time to make my entrancing walk, to the runaway stage out of the classroom with anxious anticipation to catch Theus's attention and a premonition of very little chances of it happening to be a good attention.

I walk to the door where he was standing and with all the indifference passed with all the composure I could have until I heard him call out my name-

"Derice did I make you wait too long, love?"

I got goosebumps.

Why would a person who I was fantasing about being a "cold school heartthrob" and everyone in the classroom thinking alike of him, say something so out of the pocket such as this?

I turn to face the situation at hand.

"Yes?" I reply with a smile.

"Should we leave?, I thought you were sleeping so I was waiting outside to wait for you."

"That is good." My smile slowly fading into an expression of understanding "we should... If you want to leave with me."

"Of course I'll always leave with you." He approached me giving an aloof smile.

I started moving forward, and he was just behind me in every step.

"Why did you have to call me 'love'." I ask.

"I want everyone to know how close we're" he responds.

"You can do that without making everyone on a radar of 5 meters around you ick, why do you just choose to do weird things."

"C'mon calling someone love is so casual."

"Yes, in England."

"I can bring England here for you." He blatantly replies.

"Sure you can" I almost forget to reply with the way he says things.

"You've got loose screws Theus Malbeur."

"You can fix me Dericine F."

His voice again sends shivers down my spine, my shivers distinguishingly visible.

"C'mon buy me my promised latte, you promised!"

His face basically begs me to look at it. Even if I'm ignoring his gaze and walking straightforward, my height can't afford to ignore his appearance completely from my sight.

"Yea, let's go get a latte", I reply with my lowest of energy.

As we go up towards our local coffee shop, of course something like a climax should happen by now, again.

The clouds starts rumbling and I could feel the wind current being a haweck. The sky had the appearance of purity alas, only the ones on land saw how truly wrecked they felt.

Not again. Not today. Not when I'm with Theus. Is everything going downhill?

And of course, my wishes can never work.

I grasp my companion's hand. A faint colour of suprise paints his face.

'oy, it started working. The connection I mean, oh yea, I can see them. Oh there's someone else too. Hello, guys!! Oh look at them they are holding hands.'

A faint childish yet Powerful voice fall into our ears something which sounds like a flower.


'Hello. Child, I assume you have been well. Well seeing you, we can approximate you've been.' Gabriel spoke.

I feel a shook in my hand from my very started partner.

He speaks even more nonsensical than Uriel.

"It's literally been 5 hours, leave me alone." I say with all my energy and not too much energy.

'That can not happen. We are always with you. Always watching you."

I would've replied with labelling him as a creepy old dude but I don't forget that I'm basically a goldfish.

'We are here to confer you your quest.'

"C'mon, give it so I can reject it."

I should totally recollect myself. I've someone else besides me to protect and worry about in the present.

'You can reject it. You've the choice. You are one of the exceptions Dericine who can choose anything in their life.' Gabriel echoed in the most peaceful voice. 'however, do you acknowledge yourself you wouldn't miss this opportunity?'

"Why, are you forcing me?" I reply to match the sharpness and tranquility (which was nowhere) "why did you bring my friend into this?"

'Its an error.' with formality was said 'ill remove him.'

Before I could be agitated with his choice of words, he explained

'remove him to a safer place and manipulate his memories.'

After struggling for sometime in his inability to remove the mentioned person from his divine sphere, Gabriel felt strange and then new knowledge over-poured him.

'A prophesy has been just made' he said mechanically 'your friend can join this quest as well.'

"In no way can that happen." I start by gripping his arm around mine.

'Anyhow, if both of you wish to accept this quest, tear this apple leave and drink it's nectar, you'll be the mortalaels'

Two leaves drop in front of our eyes and slip into our hands gently.

"Theus, let the leaf not try anything weird, please."

I try my best but best was not enough to stop the Theus Malbeur from drinking the nectar.

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