what the hell

16 2 0

song rec- kiss by a fist by Florence + the machine

Chapter: 3

What the hell

Who-who are-you?

A man who was fairly handsome that I hate to admit of was standing in front of me, more accurately almost slamming his whole face against mine.

My eyes grew wary, and I put my guards up raising my hands in a fighting posture, ready to knock this man to the rugged ground by grabbing his neck and making him a bloody mess and thinkjng of all the other outworldly ways to put him into an eternal sleep if I sense as so much as a threat in his energy.

'I, I apologize.'

I heard something. It seemed like his voice. I can't believe his blood curdling voice was the first thing I had to hear on earth. Or wait- it wasn't actually that boisterous, I opened my half-slept puffed up eyes and paid more attention to this man.

'My apologies ma'am', the man said again, closing his eyes for a second to form a kind smile with a sly smug on his face that he thought I couldn't sense.

Wait? It actually sounds good. I like it. Say more, I thought inside my thoughts so even I could not hear it.

'It would certainly feel like I had Ill intentions from the position and the time you saw me in, but believe me it was none like this. I'm a very respectful and civil gentleman. And I'm even more cautious around ladies. If you give me a chance to explain mys-'

Alright. Only the sound of his voice is nice. I prefer him with his mouth shut.

'What the hell.' 'You're saying it like you've got a wholeass point
representation ready to explain why you were almost slamming your face against an unguarded, unconscious woman in the middle of the mountains. Do you?'

Lucifael halted for a split second, she never cussed upon someone as it was the foremost and one of the pillar rule of heaven. So who was this man who brought out this shameful version of herself?

'Ah-?!!', the man's face now paled, uttered purely speechless.

'I absolutely didn't had such intentions, ah-uhm-miss.', the man said in a quavering voice.

'You were in such a strange place alone where not even petty insects could be seen and you were unconscious. And you looked like you had preety bad bruises on the top of your clothes being a mess. So I wanted to see If I could help you and check on you, that's why- I apologize if I caused you any sorts of misunderstandings. I couldn't have just left a lady in a situation like yours alone. I wanted to help, thats all.'

Lucifael knew he was a trouble. But a preety trouble nonetheless.

Lucifael looked at the weak human like a tiny frog she had as a friend when she was a child and clicked her toungue at his pathetic apology and lowered her guard down a little.

'Uhm, if it doesn't offend you, can I ask you a question?', said the man looking uncomfortable.

Lucifael narrowed her eyes as a sign for him to go on.

'How, I mean how did you end up like this? Only If you want to tell me.'


The man got his answer and shut his mouth instinctively to protect himself from the anger of the woman standing in front of him.


'What? Say it'

The man coughed a little as he was going to ask something serious.

'Did it hurt?' Said the man.

'Now you're annoying me, say it directly or get lost.'

'Did it hurt, when you fell down from heaven?', the man said as his impulsive thoughts got the best of him.

But lucifael's eyes Arched and narrowed. She looked at the man as if he was a threat to her survival. Who was this man? How did he know she was here? And how did he knew that she fell from heaven? Did he come here to take her back? Was he a flunkey of the Metatron?

Lucifael's put her guard up yet again. She trembled and shaked in anger and fear like a small fawn she tried to act scary and asked with hospitality-

'Who was it. Who sent you here?, was it the great scribe... or the was it the archangels?...or was it God himself?'

The man was now regretting his life choices. He knew he was making a lame joke on the first meeting with a strange lady but he now also sensed that he made the joke with a crazy woman.

'No one sent me, not the bribe or achangels nor anyone else...'

'It's-just. you're pre-ety.', said the man visibly embarrassed.

Lucifael thought for a second and then didn't thought anything for a few seconds. And then finally got the joke.

Lucifael looked at the man's face for a good few seconds, expressionless and dumbfounded.

She'd heard in her past life at the heavens that humans used similes like "angel" to confer the word preety. She now got the joke and let out a non-invisible giggle.

'Please don't look at me like this'


'I'm a perfectly healthy man, and my body will start reacting in its own in some weird ways if such a preety lady like you stares at an unguarded man such as myself with such passion in your eyes.', the man said with a fading smirk.

'..what the... you make me bring out the version of myself who just wants to curse at you eternally.'

'What an honor,my lady'.

'Could be a disaster for you, 'my not-a-lord.'

Lucifael finally understood why her brother never wanted to bow in front of the best creation of God, men even after the continued scrutinies. It was obvious.

It was because, men were idiots!

But then Lucifael didn't knew that, women were idiots too.

Becauae after 2 months she fell for that stupid human in front of her too.

The good evil: DericineOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz