child of prophesy

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Chapter: 7

Child of prophesy

Feelings feel fiction. I wake up everyday and feel a bump compressing my chest, I want to pop it and let all the pus pour out of it but I can't do anything, it's just ingenuity of my imagination.


My- their living room, 7:47 am, the chilling frost carrying itself in the breeze approaches my cheeks and instead of caressing it,it slaps me on both the sides of my cheeks, the loud noises, I gasp for air and choke on my saliva as I gulped consecutively. Bunch of amorphous sickening low creatures wearing human skin which is not even throughly covering their obsidian skin showing in the wore-up sloughed skin like interspaces with little to fearfulness, little hair like structures wriggling around, faces I can see mocking me of parasites living inside their endoskeleton. They usually cover themselves in a nice gear of innocent decent faced human beings' bodyskin that they are gifted with every once in a period of seven months. It's a fact that these rotten banana peels would've to change their skins every seven months as they get sloughed due to their poor mana constitution.

Three hunger-sticken oogers of different sizes and ranking Yell at my direction. They are a family, there's nothing like a family not in the demon world that I know of, but they are a fake family, my foster family too and even though they don't have a ounce of devotion to me, they do mingle among themselves preety well as they share a much larger bond than any family love between them- "the gluttonous bond of greediness". Disgusting forms wriggling around and dissolving in their skin they resemble some kind of joke, but I'm afraid.

I let out my earbuds as they'd served their purpose, the ghastly music burning my ears came to an end and now all I could do was stare at the clock, stared at it with vacant expressions on my face which I soon realized as it reflected on the clock's glass. My sunken cherry cheeks from gloom, my hair just a little above my chest, chocolate black and unruly sort of thick, eyes hungry of blood. How can something so graceful have no grace at all?.

My eyes follow the clock's arms finally slipping out of my unconscious blanking out. 13 minutes had passed. I had an intense urge to grab my head and pull all the hairs from my scalp, I stopped mid-way to execute that action. They went away. They know they can't use their limited share of power they have in their ration for more than he allowed them to. They went to hunt instead of wasting their time on a greenhorn like me.

I should go to school today,I think. I step out of the door that disassociates others' world to mine filled with smell of iron inside the room as inside of me rusts. I am a normal one. I guess. That's what I like to say. I wear a long hoodie with the jeans currently in vogue, I put my hair as matted as black clay and rough in texture in a single braid and part it in the middle as some of the leftover hair swirl over my ears and behind my neck to give me chills alike a snake murmuring obscurities to me.

I walk to the park valley's square middle of the less crowded, a less affluent area of the commoners and like seeing urban buildings from a mountain I can view my school from this point view of where I stand.

"hey, howdy,hiiiii......!"

"Uriel! I said stop it @#%^°•■@¡ ah this..."



"..hey whOt did you Doo with my Cconnection"

"Not telling you. Hihihi."

"Here. You dorks."

"Thanks. Gabriel. Uriel just you wait when I catch you, I'll smear you in goat poop."


"Hello?" I peered at the vast sky still ablaze with bright daylight. "Excuse me, who?". I ask my heart leaping my chest hearing the names of great archangels all at once but I put on an expressionless nonchalant mask. I am a demon, that too a weak demon. I can't confront the angels, yet.

"Oh,sorry, small wings. Raphael must've scared you with his weird inauspicious voice." An voice, an angelic voice flipped me out by surprise. It was childish at first I thought so but It was more women-like as she addresed every word to me with such tenderness.

Uriel. I think someone reported her as Uriel earlier.

"You, bad-mouth, virtueless rigged bat wings owner and, and lugubirous dressed imp!"

A badly high pitched sober voice like a little child's who lost in a toycar race to his fellow siblings would yell.

"Please don't go off showing your harmonious side like this to everyone, Uriel, Raphael. What would we, heavens do if everyone comes to know we have such sensible, perspicacious, down-to-earth people whose mouths are practically lacking the dirt of the earth. Am I not right?"

Now, this. The owner of the bitter sarcastic voice filled with subtle hint of 'reflect on your actions or you'll go on a probation' scolding to his mates must be...

"Gabriel, I apologize for such disgracefulness." Uriel said.

"..." Raphael murmured an inaudible apology.

I was just happy they weren't paying attention to me. In there playfull conversation I had definitely forgotten the gray wall between black and white.


"See....we meet at last!, huh"

Uriel took me by surprise.

"Who are you. And who are you to be so excited to see me, an absolute unfamiliar stranger?"

My heart froze afraid of what she might say next. What could she say -'we came to murder you cruelly because you're a demon and we know everything because God told us, and hell will be very happy to see your Corpse and then we'll crush your bones and dissolve it with holy water.' Shit. I sweared in my head. My heartbeat rose yet again, my chest swelling up.

"Don't be afraid. Breathe." A voice from the up-high sky says.

Who are they. And how can they see my breathing getting shallow. None can tell.

"We are the archangels of the first heaven. Uriel, Raphael, Gabriel, we greet you, Dericine."

I get goosebumps. A frigid wind brushes my cheeks, my hair swirling everywhere with great force and my eyes in awe. My teeth biting the insides of my mouth to keep my face expressions in check.

A voice filled with smug continued - "we've come to tell you something, for you are an exceptional being".

I observed the sky with nothing but my stupid school hours at stake.

"You are a child of prophesy." the voice raised just to drop in a suspenseful manner then,

"A child of ruination to be exact, Dericine."

I gulped with all my force. It was over I couldn't keep my expressions at check anymore, my teeth were clenched and I was grasping my hoodie stretching it too my knees length. A child? A child what. Child of...what? Ruin. Ruination. Prophesy. My mind boggled. It was a total mess. I was having a panic attack. I bit the corner of my mouth. I was calming down. I was trying to.

"A child of ruination? Oh yeah definitely sounds like me, I ruin everything with everyone." I snicker with uninterested eyes.

"We are not here to harm you, child. For all we are just trying to prevail unprecedented disasters". Goodness spoke in the voice of Gabriel.

I breathed out. "I see. So what's my future. You can predict my future?".I growl with visible tension like am alarmed child.

"On this day, a year back ago God gave a prophesy initially for an angel with red eyes donned in demon skin, it was the child of ruination- 

"A child with gleaming sinful eyes boaring into the daunted parts of unlit places, alike the red of evening sun where lies their string to the hidden places of depths and deaths of 2/4th of sky."

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