Why are you doing that-Chapter 2

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After Anny arrived to school, she went to her classroom and she sat down to her desk. A few minutes later the teacher entered the classroom and the lesson started.

Teacher- Ok, everybody bring me your homework I gave you for the weekend.

Everybody brought to the teacher their homework except Anny.

Teacher- Anny, where's your homework?

Anny- I'm sorry Mrs. Braymont but my mother destroyed my homework.

Teacher- Don't lie to me. I will ask you again where's your homework, Anny?

Anny- That's the truth, my mother destroyed my homework because she was angry.

Teacher- Ok. You asked for it. Anny you'll stay in, while break because you lied to me.

Ronny- Look at her she is punished, he whispers to the other children.

Kim - Finally she got what she deserved.

Iris - Yeah, after what she did.

Teacher - Ok, now stop talking. I would like to remind you about the next week's school trip and don't forget to take with you umbrellas because it might rain. Now back to our lesson.

The bell rang and everybody got out. Anny stayed in the class because she was punished. While break the other kids were painting and destroying her locker. The hour passed very quickly and school ended. When Anny went to her locker to take her books she saw that the other kids had written to it bad words about her and they had painted humiliating paintings. Anny didn't take the school bus to her home, but she walked to it while crying. When she arrived to her home she overheard her mother arguing again with her daddy.

Daddy- You should be embarrassed.

Mother- About what?

Daddy- The way you behave to our child. You don't deserve to be her mother anymore.

Mother- Look who's talking the one who cheated on me.

Daddy- I was drank, plus, you had already left with our accountant.

Mother- Yeah, but I came back....

Daddy- Because it figured out that he was married with another one woman and he used you just to get vengeance because she had already cheated on him.

Mother- No, I came back because I found out that you left pregnant to our daughter.

Daddy- OUR Daughter!!!No, I think you mean MY Daughter, because with that kind of behavior you don't deserve to be called mother.

Mother- Shut up before......

Suddenly he slaps her.

Anny ran scared to her room and she locked the door. She didn't get out at all, especially she passed those 2 days inside her room while crying. The weird thing is that her mother didn't understand that Anny was at home, and she didn't care at all to see if Anny is okay. After she stopped crying she got out of her room. It had already been Thursday. She searched all over the house but her mother wasn't there. As always she got ready and she went to school. When she arrived, before she enters the school, some of her classmates stopped her. They were really angry.

Ronny- Hey, what's up nerd, says ironically.

Kim- Look at her she is scared!!!

Iris- What? You want your mommy, hahahaha.

Anny- Stop! Why are you doing that?

Brad- Oh, look at her, she pretends that she doesn't remember!

Anny- What should I remember???

Henry- So you don't remember! It was 25th of September, when you the snitch  betrayed us to the teacher!!!

Anny- You are angry for that!?! First of all you were hurting that child!!

Iris- That was our deal, don't you remember.

Kim- We thought that you were a member of this team. It seems to me that you will always be a stupid nerd!!

Anny- That wasn't our deal. You said to me that we were just going to scare him, not hurt him.

Brad- We don't have another choice, she has to pay just like we did.

Henry- You're very right just like we did, just like the beating we got from our parents. On her!!!

Anny started running to avoid the other kids from beating her. They ran far away from school.

Anny- Help, somebody help me!!!

They drove her to an old warehouse. She hanged from the fence trying to climb to the other side. But while she was screaming for help, a man heard her and went to help her. Not a moment too soon, before the kids catch her, the mysterious man appears and scares those kids, in order to leave her alone and stop annoying her. He was very tall.

Mysterious Man- How are you, my girl?

Anny- My name is Anny.

Mysterious Man- Anny that's a beautiful name. Well, Anny, did they hurt you?

Anny- No, I'm ok.

Mysterious Man- Why were they chasing you?

Anny- For something that I did on the past.

Mysterious Man- Well, it's too late for you to go to school right now, and it's doing cold. Come on, come with me.

Anny- Where are we going Mr.....

Clark Row (Mysterious Man)- Clark Row. You can call Clark.

Anny- Ok, Mr. Row where are we going?

Clark Row- To my place.


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