Drugs is just the beginning-Chapter 5

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Anny spent the whole week at Clark's house. Finally, her mother got out from the hospital. She returned to home, but something shocking expected here. Her mother wasn't the same person. Anny goes into the house and sees her mother, sitting on the couch. She was trembling, and when Anny touched her she screamed and she started saying gibberish.

Mother- No, no take them away.

Anny- Who?

Mother- Them, (she points right behind Anny), can't you see them, they are here to take me, says really scared.

Anny- What?

Mother- (she stands up and walks to the kitchen), don't forget to boil the flowers. Oh, oops, I almost forgot don't forget to shave the cat.

Anny- (looks at her really surprised, in the bad meaning, and scared).

Anny decides to call the doctor who examined her mother.

The phone rings..

Doctor- Hello?

Anny- Hello, are Dr. Soldeinst.

Doctor- Yes, who asks?

Anny- I'm Anny whose mother was sent to hospital for taking big dose of drugs. Are you the doctor who examined her?

Doctor- Can you be more specific? You know, lots of people were sent to hospital, for taking big dose of drugs?

Anny- Alicia Determont, does this say to you something?

Doctor- Alicia....Alicia. Oh, yeah, she got out today, what do you want to know about her?

Anny- The results of her exam. What do they show?

Doctor- I am very sorry my girl, but the results show that she has a little brain damage, 'cause of the drugs.

Anny- So, that is why she acts like this?

Doctor- I am afraid yes.

Anny- ok, that is all I wanted to know.

She hangs up.

The night came really fast, it was time for bed, suddenly the door bell rang. Anny went downstairs to open the door, but when she opened, she saw the police officers, who had that look like something bad happened.

Police Man- I am very sorry!

Anny-(her eyes started filling with tears)

Police Man- We found your dad dead, in a dark alley, someone pinned him with knife right to his heart.

Anny-(closes the door angrily)

Police Man- Hey, girl we can't leave you with your mother she is dangerous. Hey!

Anny goes and packs a few clothes of her in a backpack and takes a few biscuits and a bottle of water and waits to see if the police man is gone or if he is still outside.

Police Man- Hey, open the door. If you don't open it, in 30 seconds I will break in.

30 seconds passed and Anny didn't have another choice she broke the back window of the house and escaped from them.

Police Man- Ok you asked for it! One, two, three (he breaks the door), come, come (a bunch of police men gets in), Anny where are you, Anny!

He searches all the house, until he heard a woman screaming. He went upstairs and found her mother screaming.

Mother- (she says gibberish)

Police Man- Take her!!

The police closed her mother, with judge's order, into a clinic for psychopaths. Now Anny runs very scared, to dark streets just to find somewhere to go. The problem is that she hasn't got any friend to go and spent the night. The adventure for her has just begun.


Running For A Better LifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz