Great Idea- Chapter 6

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30th of November, 2015

Anny is running scared on semi dark streets, nowhere to go. She stopped for a while, just to relax from running, the weather is very chilly. Unfortunately Clark is out of country, for some business, Anny inspired him with her courage, and now he is planning to rebuild his business. She was very tired, so she lay down to a corner and fell asleep. Next morning, she woke up to a strange place, everywhere, there were paper boxes, useless, old and broken stuff, probably they found them in the garbage. In the middle there was a steel cylindrical box, with a burning fire in it.

Homeless Man- (he whispers) Hey.... girl! Are you alright?

Anny- What where am I? What happened?

Homeless Man- Yesterday, I found you sleeping on a corner, and because I couldn't take it anymore, to that horrible view, watching you sleeping in the cold, I brought you here.

Anny- Uhhh......

Homeless Man- I know, I know.... it is not very luxurious like a usual home, but it is more cozy than outside.

Anny- (goes closer to the fire, so that she can warm herself)

Homeless Man- So... about yesterday, what were you doing, outside, all alone?

Anny- I left from my home.

Homeless Man- Why?

Anny- (tells him, everything that happened to her).

Homeless Man- And now what are you going to do?

Anny- My grandparents live in Australia. So...

Homeless Man- (interrupts her) you will go and live with them?

Anny- I thought about that, but I am little to travel all alone, from America to Australia. Plus, If I could, the ticket costs very much and I can't afford it.

Homeless Man- What if... you take the plane from America to the nearest country, in a few words, to Portugal and then travel to India with another means of transport. When you get there take the plane or ship to Australia.

Homeless Man- I mean... your parents are not completely broke, they might have some extra money hidden somewhere, for emergency moments.

Anny- Well, if yes, then the money might be hidden somewhere at home.

Homeless Man- So, are going to stay here or are you going to grab the chance?

Anny- I'm going to grab the chance. I have to go back to home. I will meet you again here, to organize the plan.

And so she did go back to home and searched everywhere for the money, the basement, the attic, everywhere, but nothing. Then she remembered, that her father hasn't sold his old house yet. She didn't have another choice, even if his old house is very far from there, she had to go and find that stupid money. She went on foot, until she reaches the house, the night had fallen and the homeless man started worry about Anny, you know even if he is homeless he still has soul and he can't exploit the girl, just to take her father's money.

Finally she reached it. She was too tired to search for the money, so she slept there. From the other hand, the homeless man couldn't take it anymore, and he went out to search for her, even if he was tired he didn't stop searching.

Next morning the girl woke up, and something like inspiration has touched her and she maybe knew where the money is hidden. After hours of searching, she found them, she was so happy, because she felt like: I made it.

Very, very fast she packed the money into a backpack and she took the next bus.

Homeless Man's place:

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