Adam Row-Chapter 7

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9th of December, 2015

Poor Anny, because of her illness which made her stay in the house, until she gets better, she lost everything. All the flights for Portugal were canceled, 'cause of the bad weather. At least, she made a new "friend". One week had passed, and Anny had got better. Now she has to wait three months, until the weather gets better.

Homeless Man- I think it's time for me to go!!

Anny- You don't have to go!! You can stay here. Anyway you don't have anywhere to go!!!

Homeless Man- Are you sure?

Anny- Yeah! And you can borrow some of my father's clothes, take a shower and.... live forever here!!!

Homeless Man- Has anyone told you that you are a good girl?

Anny- (She laughs) Go and freshen up yourself!!!


The man is having a shower, and as Anny said, he is freshen up himself, while Anny is trying to find him some fancy and elegant clothes from her father's closet.

Anny- Do you like denim jeans?

Homeless Man- I love them!

Anny- And... what about cotton shirt and leather jacket!!

Homeless Man- They are ok!

He ended with his shower, he combed his hair, shaved his beard and wore the clothes which Anny had brought.

(He is getting out)

Anny- WOW, you are much more handsome like this!

Homeless Man- Thank you! By the way, you can call me Adam!

Anny- Adam!? That's your name?

Adam Row (homeless man)- Adam Row, that's my name!

Anny was surprised when she saw him, but something had surprised her in his name too! He was a bit different, it was like 10 years of his life had been taken away. He looked younger than his previous self. They got hungry, so Anny went downstairs and prepared something for them to eat.


Anny- So.... Adam! Do you have any connection with Clark Row?

Adam Row- (He stands up and he is upset) How do you know that name?

Anny- Well....( she hesitates), I don't know how(she lies), but I met him randomly while I was trying to escape from some VERY BAD kids.

Adam Row- Don't mention that name again!!

Anny- Why do YOU know him?

Adam Row- I...I (hesitates), I am his cousin. We were doing business together, when suddenly an accident happened to him and he lost his wife.......

Anny- (interrupts) Yeah, yeah I know the story!!

Adam Row- Anyway, since our business shut down, and we both lost our money, he might move to a house into the woods, but I stayed homeless.

Anny- Yeah, but you had said to me that you deserve to be homeless!!

Adam Row- Those days, I wasn't the best man in the world and our business kinda destroyed the environment.

Anny- He didn't mention that. Actually he didn't mention your name too!

Adam Row- Both of us are trying to forget what happened, and to do so, we have to stop talking about it!!

Anny- And you have to stop talking about each other!

Adam Row- Maybe we were doing business together, but this doesn't mean that we liked each other!!!

Anny- Christmas are coming, so why don't you try to make things up better between you!!

Adam Row- My girl, the world isn't perfect! I think it's difficult to "reboot" our "friendship".

Anny- You never know!! Why don't you try, maybe he has changed his mind about you!!

Adam Row- (he is trying to avoid this conversation). Umm... Oh, look at the clock, it's time for sleep!

Anny- Adam!! It's only 21:30 p.m. I go to sleep at 23:00.

Adam Row- Ok, you know what? I will do you a favor and I will call him, but if he doesn't want to see me or hear my voice, that's your problem!

Anny- Ok, I'm going to sleep!

Adam Row- You said you don't sleep at 21:30!!!

Anny- I know!! But now I got tired!

Next Day

10th of December, 2015

Anny- Morning!!! Morning!??? Adam? Where are you?

Anny- Om my gosh!!!! Adam wake up!!!!

Adam Row- Yeah..., yeah...! What happened?

Anny- Morning!!!

Adam Row- Morning!???

Anny- What happened?

Adam Row- I must have fallen asleep while I was trying to call Clark!!

Anny- Did he answer?

Adam Row- No! Unfortunately no!!

Anny- Ok, that's not our business now!! Right now I'm not on my trip to Australia, and Christmas are getting closer, so we have to do some preparation!

Adam Row- Preparation?

Anny- Yeah, you know!! Decorate the Christmas tree and the whole house, in a few words the basic stuff which people do, on Christmas Eve.

Adam Row- We are going to decorate a tree?

Anny- Hey, I have three months until my trip, and if I am going to die in the middle of Asia, then I want to live my life before that happens!

Adam Row- Ok!!???

Christmas Day is here, the tree was decorated and the whole house. Outside is snowing, kids are singing carols and everywhere there is happiness!

Anny- Adam, Adam wake up!!! It's Christmas!!!

Adam Row- I didn't hear you!! What you did you say?!

Anny- It's Christmas!

Adam Row- It's Christmas!? So, THAT'S WHY I have this. And I was wondering why am I holding it.

Anny- What's this?

Adam Row- It's a ticket to Portugal!!!

Anny- WHAT? Where did you find it?

Adam Row- The next few days the weather is going to be very good, so everything is back in order! All the flights ready to fly to their destination!

Anny- Thank you!! But I didn't buy you anything!

Adam Row- No! But you opened me your home when I was helpless!! And I appreciated that very much!!

Anny- Thank you, very much!!

Adam Row- By the way, in two days you are flying!!!

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