Stay away-Chapter 4

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After she got out, she started searching all over the neighborhood, she searched to alleys where her mother used to go, she went to her father's old house,but nothing. She didn't give up while she was searching she saw her father getting out of the pharmacy,holding some pills. She ran to him very scared and asked him where's her mother. He said that her mother isn't very well, she is ill.

Daddy- Anny listen to me, your mother isn't ver well, she is at hospital because she took big dose of drugs, she is returning home in a few days, these are the pills which the doctor recommended for her to take. When she will arrive at home you are going to stay away from her for a while.

Anny- But why?

Daddy- I told you she is ill, and you mustn't disturb her while recovering. She can be very dangerous. This is why, when she will recover, i am going to take you far away from her. You see, I found the money for the divorce, and if I win your guardianship then you are mine for ever. Now let's go home.

While they were driving, Anny sent a message to Clark telling him about the good news.

Message : Mr. Row, eventually my dad found the money for the divorce, and he is 99% sure that he will win the guardianship.

But unfortunately a black car stopped them. Some very angry people,with covered faces, got out of it asking for my father. One of them broke the driver's window and opened the door. He pulled out Anny's father and pointing him with a gun asked him where's his money.

First Man- Where's my money?

Daddy- I don't know.

First Man- Where's my money, he asks again angrily.

Daddy- I said I don't know.

First Man- Oh, so you want to play. Fine. Bring her here.

Another one man dressed in black with a scar on his face, pulled Anny out of the car and brought her in front of them.

Anny- Daddy, she said scared.

First Man- (He is pointing Anny with the gun) Now, where's my money?

Daddy- Do whatever you want to me, but leave my daughter alone.

First Man- I will ask you one more time, where's my money?

Anny- Daddy, what is he talking about, she asks while crying.

First Man- Oh, your daughter doesn't know. Your DADDY stole some money from me and I want it back.

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