Chapter 2

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Kat's POV
I wake up to the sound of screaming downstairs. I go downstairs and see the guys covered in food. "Good morning daddy," I said walking over the food. They all turn around and smile. "Good morning baby girl," Daddy said. "What happened here," I asked. "Well we were going to make pancakes when Nash dumped flour on me and that started a food fight," he said. "You guys go sit in the living room," I said. "I'm making breakfast," I said. "Are you sure, you might get hurt," Nash said. "Its ok I learned to cook at the Adoption Center," I said. "Ok call us if you need anything," Daddy said. I nodded my head and they left. I clean up the stove and get out 2 pans. I get eggs and bacon from the fridge and put them on the pans once they are hot. I take out another pan and I make the pancakes. I set the food on the table and clean up. "Breakfast is ready," I called. When the boys came in they were shocked. "You made this," Hayes asked. I nodded. "Wow," said Jack J and Jack G simultaneously. They sat at the table and started to eat. "This is really good," said Matt. "Thanks," I said. After eating I went upstairs to change ( outfit at the top ). I went downstairs and sat on the couch. Daddy comes down and sits with me. "Daddy can we go to the park," I asked. "Sure sweetie," he said. Nash and Matt come down cause they are coming with us. We get in the car and drive to a park. There are lots of kids there. We get down and I run to the park. Daddy and the guys are sitting by the car. I go to the monkey bars and try to climb them but I fall to the floor and scrap my knee. It starts to bleed. Silent tears fall down my cheek. "Are you ok," a boy around my age asks me. "No, my knee hurts," I say. "Where are you parents," he asked. "By the car," I said. "What's your name," he asks me. "Katherine," I said. "Well Katherine I'm Mason," he said. "Its nice to meet you, how old are you I'm 5," I said. "I'm 6," he said. "Want me to take you to you parents," he asked. I nod my head. He takes his finger and wipes my tears away. "Come on let's go," he says picking me up. "Your strong," I said. "I play football and soccer," he says. He carries me while I show him the way. "Excuse me sir," Mason says to Daddy. He turn around and looks at Mason them me. "Kat fell from the monkey bar and her knee is bleeding so I brought her here," he said while putting me down. "Thank....," daddy said. "Mason," he said. Nash get me and bandaid and puts it on my knee. I stand up on my feet. "Mason do you want to play," I asked. "Sure," he said. "Daddy can I go play with Mason," I asked. "Ok sweetie," he said. Just as we were going to go a girl come running up to us. "Mason I've been looking for you I'm sorry if he cause any trouble,"the girl said. "Oh no it's ok he was just helping my daughter cause she fell and hurt her knee," Daddy said. "Ok ok," the girl said. "Sky can I go play with Kat," Mason asked. She nodded and me and Mason ran to the park. "Mason you want to play hide and seek," I asked. "Yeah," he said. "Ok I'll count you hide," he said. I nodded my head and ran. I hid behind the slide. All of the sudden arms touch my shoulder and the person says," Got you." I turn around and see Mason. "Fine now you go hide and I'll count," I said. He nodded and run. "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10," I counted. I run around the park when I see a foot sticking out from behind the climbing wall. I go around and see Mason. I sneakily walk towards him and jump on his back. "Ahh," he says falling to the floor. "Found you," I said. "Hahah," he laughs. He gets up and helps me up. "Hey come here I want to show you something," he said. He grabbed my hand and I blushed. I may be 5 but he is really cute. We walk into the forest and he leads me to a tree. There was a tree house in it. He puts his hands down and helps me climb up and then he climbs up. "I made it with my dad but he died when I was 5," he said. "I'm sorry about that," I said. There was a sad look on his face and I couldn't help give him a hug. I move over to him and hug him. At first he is tense but then hugs back. "Thanks," he said. "Your welcome," I said. He helps me down and we go back to the park. Just as we get there Daddy comes to get me. "Come on Kat we have to go," he said. "Ok," I said. "Mason I have to go but Daddy said he got your sisters number so we can play again," I said. "Ok," he said smiling. I kiss his cheek and he blushes. "Bye Mason," I said. "Bye Kat," he said. I run over to Daddy and we get in the car. "So do you like Mason," Daddy said. "Yeah but I feel bad for him his dad died last year and he was really sad," I said. "Well when he was with you he seemed happy," he said. "Yeah," I said We get home and the guys get out of the car. I get out of my chair and go into the house. Its already late so I have to go to sleep. The guys are in the living room so I call out," Goodnight." "Goodnight Kat," they reply. I go upstairs to my room and change into my pjs. As I get into bed Daddy comes in to tuck me into bed. He kisses my forehead and passes me my stuffed bunny Louis. I cuddle up to Louis and soon I fall asleep.

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