Chapter 4

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Cameron's POV
Today is Kat's birthday and we are going to give surprise her. I'm bring Lilly the girl that was friends with Kat cause she got adopted by my friend Kian and I want to surprise her.
Kat's POV
I wake up and smell bacon. Yummm bacon. I put on my slippers and walk out my door. I go down the stairs and see the guys. "Good morning" I said. "Morning sweet cheeks Happy birthday," Matt said. OMG today is my birthday I totally forgot. Daddy comes behind me and spins me around. "Auntie Lox is going to take you shopping," he said. "Ok," I said. I sit down and and Nash gives me some pancakes and bacon with orange juice. Im eating my pancakes when the door opens. Auntie Lox enters the kitchen. "Happy birthday pumpkin," she said. "Thanks," I replied. I finish eating and we go upstairs to pick an outfit. When I first got here they bought me clothes so my closet it full. She picks out my outfit (at the top) and a pair of black sandals. She puts some gel in my hair and leaves it alone. We go downstairs and the boys are cleaning. "We will be back in an hour," Lox said. We get in her car and drive to the mall. We arrive at the mall and go inside. We go to many stores and buy lots of clothes. The last store we go to is Claire's. Auntie Lox says I'm getting my ears pierced. They told me to choose an earring so I choose a pretty diamond shaped one. They get this little gun with a needle and put it on my ear. I hold on tight to the teddy bear they gave me. I feel a little pinch and the earring is in. They do the same on the other one and give me a mirror to see myself. I looked pretty. We bought some bracelets that's said lil sis and big sis. We bought cat ears. Then we went to this store called Starbucks were they sell coffee and stuff. Lox bought this drink called a s'mores frappuccino. It's was really good. We get to the car and drive home. We sang along to the songs and danced. We got home and Lox parked the car. We got inside and the lifts were off. All of the sudden the lights turned on and people jumped up screaming," Surprise." There were balloons everywhere and cake and lots of people. I looked around and saw Lilly. "Lilly," I said running to her. "I missed you," she said hugging me. "Me too," I said. "Daddy," I said letting go of Lilly and running to him. "Thank you so much for the surprise," I said. "Anything for you baby girl," he said. Nash comes up to me and he has a little girl with him. "Kat meet Skylynn my little sister," Nash said. "Hi I'm Skylynn and I like horses," she said. "Hi I'm Kat and I like horses too," I said. "Really,"she said. I nodded yes. "Want to be friends," she asked. "Best friends," I said. Daddy showed me the outside were we had a bouncy house. Me and Sky run to the bouncy house to get in. We take off are shoes and as I'm about to go in I hear," Hey Kat." I turn around see Mason with a little bag in his hand. "Mason your here," I said giving him a hug. "You think I would miss your birthday," he said still hugging me. Me and Mason became really close after we met. We are best friends. "Here's your present," he said handing me the bag. I look inside and its was a locket and charm bracelet. "Awe Mason they are beautiful," I said. I open the locket and it's a picture of me and Mason that we took at Six flags. "Here help me out it on," I said. "O-ok," he said stuttering. Aww cute. I lift up my hair and he puts the necklace on my neck and clicks the lock. I look at the charm bracelet ( the one at the top is just to give you an example of the colors and style). The bracelet consisted of seven charms. Three of them were letters that spelled out Kat. One was a butterfly.Another one was a diamond heart. The other one was a rose and the last one was a little ring that said Happy birthday. "It's so pretty Mason this must have cost a lot,"I said. "Well my sister paid for half of it and then I used my allowance money to pay the rest," he said. I put it on my wrist and looked at it. "There are 7 charms cause you turn 7 years old so, now every birthday I will get you a new charm," he said. "Really," I said. "Yes," he said. I hugged him and kissed his cheek while saying," your the best." His cheeks turned a light shade of pink and he said," Thanks." "Come Mason lets jump," I said. He laughs and takes off his shoes and goes on with me. "Sky come here," I said. She walks to me and Mason and stands next to me. "Kat is he your boyfriend," she whispered in my ear. I blushed and said," No." "Mason meet Sky, Sky meet Mason," I said. "Nice to meet you," Mason said. "You too," said Sky. "Ok let's play," I said. We jumped around for a bit and then we got off and went to the trampoline that we had. "Kat look at this," Mason said. He did a backflip. "That's cool," I said. "What me to help you," he asked. "No I can do it," I said. I jumped up and when I was high enough I went back and landed on my feet. "Where did you learn to do that," he said. "Daddy taught me and we had a trampoline at the orphanage that a gym donated and sometimes they would come and give classes there will donating money so we can get clothes and stuff," I said. "Can you do this," he said doing a round off backhand spring. "Yeah I can that's the first thing they taught us," I said doing it. I was really flexible and I could do a lot of things. The orphanage wasn't bad at all I loved all of the workers and most of the kids except for my bullies. We learned lots of tricks on the trampoline. "Can you do them on the floor," I asked Mason. "Yeah," he said. "What to have a backhand spring competition," I said. "Your on," he said. We go to the grass and Sky starts to count. "5,6,7,8," she said. I went back and kept doing them until Sky told us to stop. "Kat won," She said. "Yay," I said. "Good job," Mason said. "Kat where did you learn to do that," my daddy asked. "At the orphanage we had cheer coaches come and teach us tricks since they donated money for us," I said. "Ok well come on its time to cut the cake," he said. I grab Masons hand and he blushes. We walk to the table were the cake was and they sing the Happy Birthday song for me. I blew the candle out and made a wish. Suddenly a piece of cake is thrown at my hair. We ended up having a cake fight and it was really fun. I was full of cake and so was Mason and Sky. We cleaned up and everyone left. This was the best birthday I have ever had.

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