'Fuck' Means More Than One Thing

365 22 13

Delirious' POV

"It's about time you fucks got here!" Tyler 'greeted' as soon as we stepped inside of our hotel.

"They literally just stepped inside," Craig laughed as he came over along with the group. "Were you watching the door?"

"I had nothing better to do..." Tyler grumbled and looked away.

"There's such a thing called a phone," Lui teased as he gave Luke a hug.

"Where's Evan?" I asked when I noticed he wasn't anywhere in sight.

"He won't be here until midnight," Daithi shrugged from where he now stood next to me and raised his arm causing me to flinch.

I felt the weight of it rest snugly on my shoulders and I relaxed. No one seemed to have noticed my reaction so I continued listening and occasionally commenting while trying to calm my racing heart. These guys would never hurt me. They're not like that... I think... "Hey Delirious, you retard!" Tyler yelled and snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Are you still fucking alive?"

"Calm yer tits Tyler," Daithi frowned and protectively stood in front of me. "He's probably just nervous being around us for the first time. Leave him alone."

"Sorry for zoning out," I apologized, hoping to stop a possible fight.

"He's been really nervous this past week," Luke added in. "He's still the Delirious you all know and play with but... in person and nervous."

I let out a breath that I had been holding in fear of Luke telling them all some of my darkest and dirtiest secrets. He was the last person I knew in real life to remain my friend and he was my only confidant as a result. My family had long ago lost my trust in them so I had only told them fractions of the truth, hoping that somehow they'd piece together the many hints I dropped only to disappoint me. "C'mon Delirious," Luke tapped my shoulder. "We're going out to dinner."

"Where to?" I asked with a grin, the only way to keep my emotions bottled up.

"Denny's," Luke looked me over, as if he were searching for something. "We better hurry before they leave us behind."

I can't believe he's still your friend after every thing you've done to him.

'... Me neither...'

Kill him.

'Shut up.'

"... I'm not hungry right now," I shrugged and looked at my feet. "Go on without me."

"Jonathan, if the guys are bothering you, tell me and I'll set them straight," Luke gently grabbed my chin and raised my head until we were eye-to-eye. "Please, tell me the truth."

"I'm fine," I laughed and shook my head. "I'm just not hungry right now, that's all."

"... Fine," Luke huffed before squeezing me into a tight hug. "You can always talk to me. I won't judge you no matter what it is."

"Yeah, I know," I smiled and returned the hug. "Let me go get my suitcase."

"You needy little bitch!" Luke chuckled and stepped back. "Follow me if you want your shit."

"I won't follow you!" I ran out the front door and across the parking lot to his car.

"Dammit Delirious!" he yelled and ran to catch up with me. "What if you got hit by a car?!"

"I didn't though, did I?" I ignored him and walked around the car towards the trunk.

Luke sighed and shook his head before taking out his keys and unlocking his trunk. "Thanks!" I said as I yanked my suitcase from the trunk and set it on the ground. "Bye Cartoonz!"

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