How It All Began

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Just a brief little note, this whole chapter is a flashback. So, uh, yeah... Enjoy!


Delirious' POV - First Day of 6th grade

I nervously looked around to see a few other confused looking kids. In front of me was my first period class... or where it should've been. Some of the kids were already grouped up and chatting away with their new friends while I was standing off to the side by some stupid bush. A cold gust of wind blew by causing me to shiver. Where the heck was my teacher?! The room was right, I had made sure of that at least ten times.

"I assume everyone here is scheduled for Mr. Green's class?" a tall but strict looking man walked over from seemingly nowhere.

We all nodded and replied 'yes' to which he curiously looked us over, "Did you not know that you were all rescheduled for Mr. Carroll's class? Mr. Green is teaching seventh grade now in another room. You all have to go to room N1."

I quickly looked it up on my map to see that the room was in the left northern quad of the school. Everyone began walking with their groups towards the classroom and I jogged to catch up to the tail-end of my class. When we arrived, we could see the other half giving us all odd looks but they turned away as a different man came to welcome us all to his class. I finally recognized one of my closer friends and greeted him, "Hey Daniel!"

"Hey Jon!" he smiled as we entered the class. "Ready for some English?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" I jokingly poked his shoulder and leaned against wall. "Shoot, we have assigned seats."

"Wait! Look Jon! You sit behind me!" Daniel excitedly pointed towards the lines on the whiteboard.

"Really?!" I exclaimed and looked closer. "Cool!"

First period went by uneventfully. We made name cards and were introduced to everything we would be learning but that was about it. I met a girl named Nali and a guy named Ethan, both of whom sat next to me. Second period was all the way across the campus, in the U Quad. While I was in yet another class with Daniel, we had to sit in different table groups. Third period eventually came around, but who gives a heck about band when you didn't want to do it in the first place?

I took out a notebook and began aimlessly drawing. The bell rang after what seemed like hours and I packed up my semi-decent picture of a person wearing a hockey mask. I headed towards the largest building in the school, already knowing that it was where my next class took place. The P.E. teachers went over what everyone would be doing throughout the school year in their classes before handing us papers. "Get these signed and turned in by Friday," a scruffy looking man named Mr. Pierce told everyone.

Today was Tuesday so the task seemed simple enough. I carelessly shoved the paper in my blue and gray backpack before following my teacher outside to the blacktop. He went over more boring stuff about our units and runs then told me to stand up. "Jonathan here will be our example. Today we will get to know everyone in the class by playing a simple game of rock-paper-scissors. Losers must stand off to the side and are out," the teacher, Mr. Willey, announced and faced me. "Okay then! Rock, paper, scissors!"

He held out his hand in a rock shape while mine was a paper. "I win!" I grinned at him, proud to have beaten my teacher.

"Good job!" he congratulated me before turning back to the class. "You can all begin now."

I stood off to the side, unsure of where to go and looked at everyone who was playing. "Want to have a rematch?" Mr. Willey asked me.

"Sure!" I stretched out my arms.

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