Chapter One

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17-year-old Lilliana Stark shuts her locker door with a sigh. She just had the worst period of her life and unfortunately, that was very common. Shaking the negative thoughts out of her mind, she moves to get to her next class. But she didn't get too far, as she was roughly pushed against the lockers. 

"You are lucky we have Mr. Carson because you were gonna get it good. Stay away from him you hear me." Veronica spat. 

Lilly resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Lilly had put up with this for 3 years and she was really starting to get annoyed with being Miss Pushover. However, she knew that if she did do something about it, she would be hated even more. At this moment, though she didn't care less. 

"How can I stay away from a guy who is my partner for a group project? Run that through your pretty little head." Lilly said. "Besides, the project is due tonight so I can 'stay away' from him as you put it." 

Veronica fumed. "You did not just talk to me like that. Listen here bitch. Do you think because your brother is some billionaire, you can just waltz in here and talk to people however you want and hang out with any guy you want? Well, guess what darling, you can't. We run things differently here and by now you should know how things work."  

"For three years I have put up with this crap. So yes, I do know how things work but I am now choosing not to give a shit."

Veronica moves closely to Lilly's face, her manicured fingernails digging into Lilly's shoulders. "Don't mess with me, Lilly. You know what I can do. I can and will ruin you if you don't watch yourself. Don't think I can't." Veronica then smirked. "And I know things about you that you think you've forgotten."

With that, Veronica walked away and Lilly just sighed and leaned against the lockers. Veronica had already given Lilly a horrible reputation with the rumors she spread. Everyone at the school worshiped the ground that she walked on. And if they didn't they knew not to mess with her. 

The rest of the day went by drag and after what felt like an eternity the final bell finally rang. Lilly grabbed her bag and headed out to the front of the school. Lilly walked to the Library to get the finishing touches on her project and hand it in before quickly doing her homework and heading home. By the time she was done, it was already dark. 

"Great," Lilly mumbles when she sees it's dark. Lilly turns on her phone but it shows ow battery. "My life is seriously cursed." 

With a grumble, she starts walking the thirty minutes from the library to her house. She was half way to her house when she felt someone behind her. She turns her head to see a figure in a dark hoodie walking a distance behind her. 

"Okay Lilly, don't freak out," she whispers to herself. 

She continues walking and still feels the presence behind her. She looks behind her again and gets a good look at the hoodie. Lilly moves faster and eventually gets to her house. She sighs when she walks inside and shuts the door behind her locking it. 

"Hey, munchkin," Tony says as Lilly walks into the kitchen. 

"Hey, Tony," Lilly grumbles, sitting on one of the stools at the breakfast bar. 

"What's wrong with you?" Tony asks, leaning his elbows on the counter. 

"Well, Veronica doing what she normally does but I stood up to her and then she threatened me. Then some shady teenager followed me most of my way home." Lilly explains. 

Tony and Lilly continue talking while Lilly gets up to make dinner. She eventually retires to bed. She sits down at her desk and checks over her homework after her shower. She then notices a small box in her desk drawer. A sudden flash of sadness and anger goes through her. She shuts the drawer and gets into bed. She gets comfortable turns off her light and falls asleep. 

Love of a Lifetime Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now