Chapter Two

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Lilly was rummaging through her closet, trying to find something to wear. She eventually settles on a pattered-over shirt that she buttons up, rolling the sleeves up to her elbows, and a denim skirt that sits just above her knees. She runs a brush through her hair, deciding to leave it out. She throws on some pumps and heads out to the kitchen. 

"Hey, Tony! Have you seen my school bag?" Lilly yells. 

"Mr. Stark has left early this morning Miss Stark but I believe your school back is in the living room." JARVIS, the house AI said. 

Lilly looked in the living room and there it was. "Thanks, JARVIS," Lilly says with a smile. 

She grabs a muffin and heads out the door, on her way to school. As she walks through the front car park, she sees her friends sitting on the hood of Tyler's car. 

"Why don't you just drive to school?" Josh asks, sliding off the hood. 

"I like the walk, Josh," Lilly says in a matter-of-fact tone. 

Josh puts his hands up in mock surrender and the three walk into the school. After going to each other's lockers they parted ways to their classes. Lilly was on her way to English excited to get started on the project. She was almost there when she saw Veronica pacing towards her, a pissed look on her face. 

Veronica slams Lilly against the lockers, holding her shoulders against them hard. Lilly winces when she comes in contact with the lockers. 

"What the hell Veronica," Lilly says, trying to get out of her hold. 

"Listen here bitch and listen well," Veronica says getting into Lilly's face. "You are to stay away from Clint. I do not want you anywhere near him and you have been here long enough to know that I will know if you have or not. I have eyes everywhere, Lilliana." 

"Veronica you can't make me stop talking or staying away from anyone. Everyone at this place might be under your spell. But guess what? I'm not." Lilly says.

"You say this now. But with the information I hold about your little past in New York, you will say otherwise." 

"What are you talking about?" Lilly has confusion on her face. 

"You're involved in the underground, the accident you had." Veronica held a smirk when she saw Lilly's expression. 

Lilly was shaking, her face full of shock and worry. She hadn't thought about any of that in so long. She had spent so long trying to forget those moments. Now that they were brought up by someone else, everything came back. 

"I think I've said enough." Veronica walks away to her class. 

Lilly tries to compose herself. She takes a couple of breaths before walking into the classroom. She takes her seat. She breaths, trying to remember what her brother and best friend would tell her to do when she would have these episodes. The teacher walks in and Clint follows behind her, being smug as usual. 

Lilly gets up and walks over to her teacher's desk. 

"Um excuse me, Mrs McAndrews," Lilly says quietly. 

Mrs McAndrews looks up and smiles. "Yes, Lilly. What can I do for you?" 

"I was wondering if I could swap partners." 

Mrs McAndrews frowns slightly. "I'm sorry Lilly. But these are the assigned partners. You know I don't allow swaps or changes." 

"I understand miss," Lilly says, hanging her head. 

Lilly heads back to her desk and tries not to pay any attention to Clint. But Unfortunately, that was harder than she thought. 

"Why did you ask the teacher to get another partner?" Clint asks. Lilly didn't answer Clint. Clint then saw something familiar. His best friend used to do this. "Lilly, is everything okay?" 

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