Chapter Five

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Homecoming was just around the corner and the school was buzzing with excitement. Everyone was making travel arrangements, girls were dress shopping and guys were asking girls to be their dates. Lilly had just decided that she was going to go by herself, with her friends. She didn't have anyone to ask and no guy wanted to take her. But she did recently find a beautiful dress that she was going to wear. 

"I feel bad for you dude for having to take Veronica," Tyler says, putting his arm around his girlfriend. 

"Well, if I want to keep this whole boyfriend act up for Lilly's sake then I've got to do it," Clint says, shutting his locker. 

"You aren't dating Veronica?" Paige asks, her face was full of confusion. 

"Well, I am. But I am only doing it to make sure she doesn't hurt Lilly anymore." Clint explains. "I don't like her."

Paige didn't say anything else. She didn't know how to think about this. Lilly then came up to them, Josh following behind. 

"Hey," Lilly says, sending them all a smile. 

Clint sent her a smile. He was still amazed that she was right in front of him. "Hey." 

The bell went and everyone went their separate ways to their classes. Tyler, Clint, and Lilly went to chemistry and Josh and Paige went to maths. The morning went quiet quickly and before they knew it, it was lunch. Clint and Lilly were walking to their lockers when the new guy, Jason Davis passed them, sending Clint a smirk. 

Clint tenses up, seeing Jason. With him, things for him were only going to go downhill. Lilly noticed Jason, a wave of familiarity washed over her, but she wasn't quite sure where she knew him from, she didn't like the look that he had on his face. There was silence between Clint and Lilly as they put their books away for lunch. Veronica then came up to them. She sent a disgusted look towards Lilly before turning to Clint. 

"Hey, Clint. Come on. Let's go to lunch." Veronica says, grabbing his upper bicep. "Why do you always have to wear this jacket?" 

"I'll take it off then." Clint shrugs. He pulls away from Veronica and takes off his leather jacket, just wearing the faded t-shirt underneath, his tattooed arms on display. 

Lilly never knew that he had tattoos, ever since he has been at this school he has always worn the jacket so Lilly never saw the tattoos that flooded his arms. He sends a smile over at Lilly before heading to the cafeteria with Veronica. Lilly sighs and shuts her locker. She liked Clint. A lot. She didn't know what she was going to do. She had two problems with liking this boy. Him being with Veronica and she promised herself she would only ever have feelings for her best friend from New York. She was breaking that promise. But then again she hasn't seen him since she left New York. 

Lilly shook the thoughts from her head and headed to the cafeteria. With Clint dating Veronica, she has left Lilly alone for the time being, so she doesn't need someone when she walks around the school. She headed in and got into the line. After grabbing a salad sandwich, a pudding, and juice, she headed to her table where Tyler and Paige were already there, eating their lunch. 

"Hey," Lilly says sitting down. 

They both said hi. The three went about their lunch, talking about homecoming when Josh came in and started talking about the new guy, Jason. Lilly said that he looked familiar but dismissed it saying he just had one of those faces. Their attention was then brought to Veronica's table. 

"Yeah well, I'm dumping you. Jason has been my boyfriend for like years." Veronica says, looking at Clint innocently. 

"You are fucked up Veronica," Clint says, grabbing his lunch and storming off, mumbling profanities under his breath. Clint walks up to Lilly's table. "Can I sit here?" 

"Clint you don't have to ask," Lilly says with a smile that causes Clint's insides to melt.

"Thanks." Clint sits down. 

Many thoughts were going through his head that lunch. He now knew what had spooked Lilly so much. There was only one thing that would spook Lilly and cause her to do anything for the person that holds the information and that was her involvement in the underground and the accident that happened with his brother Barney. With Clint now knowing Jason Davis better known to Clint as the 'Titan', being Veronica's boyfriend for some time, he would have passed on that information to Veronica. People in this school knew who she was. 

A terrible thought just went through Clint's head. If Jason knows Lilly is here. Then his brother does. Which wasn't good for Lilly. Barney knew that Tony would do anything to keep his sister safe. He also knew Tony had quite a lot of power and money which is what Barney is obsessed with. Clint now had to protect Lilly more than ever. 

Clint was brought out his thinking when Jackson walked up to the table, a large textbook and notepad in hand. 

"Oh great, Lilly don't you think you have enough tough bad boys at your table," Jackson says, shaking slightly. 

Clint raises his eyebrows. "Right okay." 

"Jackson, don't you think you have annoyed me enough already since you have been in this school." Lilly deadpans. 

"I haven't annoyed you Lilly don't be ridiculous." Jackson laughs. "My club doesn't believe that you can solve these equations in under 10 minutes." 

Jackson places the books in front of Lilly. 

"I am not entertaining your group," Lilly says, pushing the books away. 

"Please, Lilly. I mean I don't even believe it." Jackson says. 

Lilly gives in and grabs the books and pencil and starts doing the questions. Everyone watches her intently, watching her pencil move quickly across the paper. 8 minutes later, Lilly throws the pencil down and sits back in her chair. 

"They're done. Now go away." Lilly says, making a shooing motion with her hand. 

"Lilly please join my club and sit with us."  Jackson pleads. 

"Jackson please leave me alone. This is getting annoying now." Lilly was starting to get frustrated. 

"I am only showing you who you really are and where you belong." 

Lilly turns to Jackson, furry and anger all over her face, causing Jackson to swallow slowly. "Jackson, how the hell would you know who I am and where I belong? I am not like you guys. I'm not a nerd." 

"I certainly know you don't belong with these trashy people," Jackson said, without thinking. 

The boys were now getting annoyed. 

"Trashy people?" Clint questions. 

"I would watch your mouth bud," Tyler says. 

"We could put your ass and your buddies' ass' in the bin over there with next to no struggle at all before you can blink." Josh challenges. 

"Jackson get out of here before I personally put you in the bin. I don't go around insulting your weird ass now don't go doing it to my friends." Lilly says standing up.

Jackson suddenly gets scared and runs off back to his table. 

"That kid is gonna end up in a bin or something if he keeps doing that," Tyler says. 

Everyone agrees.

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