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"I hope you like seafood."

Tonowari sits down. Riti scoffs "of course it's seafood. " he mumbled

I kicked Riti under the table and smiled. "We love sea food. Don't we Riti?"

Riti glared into my soul. "Yes, we LOVE seafood." He said with a sarcastic smile.

"So Y/n can you introduce us to everyone. " tonowari asked

"Yes of course, these are the twins I'a and Om. That one there is Awpo. And this is Syulang and Riti. Their siblings." I said while pointing at everyone.

"Well it is lovely to meet you all." Tonowari greeted everyone.

Riti scoffed "like you want us here anyways." He mumbled.

We all stared at him. I was scared, Shula y was mad at him. And everyone was just awkward.

"Well umm, would you like some fish?"

Ampo starts going crazy about the fish and he wants it. Waving his hands and kept saying"me me me".

"Calm down." Om told him

"We also have some yovo if anyone is interested."

"Oo, me me me me!" We just laughed at Om's craziness.


That seemed to sotfen the mood. Riti was still being salty however he seemed to lighten up a little.

"Well the reason we have brought the Sully's is they were in a similar situation about 3 years ago i think?"

"Yes it was 3 years ago, we know how it's like to adjust to a place that you are not familiar with. I hope we can help in any way."

"Well that is very nice to hear, we are very happy to know that someone can help." I say.

I feel eyes on me. I look around. For the most part things seem to go well. The little ones are having fun making lots of noise but it was sweet. Awpo,i'a,om never had anyone other than thereselfs and us. Riti, although trying to hate it. He was failing. He talked to the other boys and syulang talked to the girls. Tsireya was telling everyone wonderful stories about the tribe while lo'ak was goofing around, Tuk talked about the animals. It was a round table, as the look around to the left of me was syulang, then kiri, tsireya, i'a, om, awpo, tuk, then the four parents, neteyam, lo'ak, ao'nung, Riti then me. Everyone seemed to have fun until I saw two eyes peeking at me. It was not a nice peek, one was full of judgment, the other full of hatred. It was Neytiri's eyes that were on me. Neytiri turned and grabbed a yovo and handed it to me with a smile. Maybe I was overthinking it. I took the yovo with a smile. I peel it and while eating, I look up. I may have been wrong but the first pair of eyes but definitely not the second.

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The second pair were that of neteyams eyes, glaring with pure hatred. I look back at those eyes, as he turns his head. Lo'ak seemed to notice his action, and shoves him with a cheeky smile.

Neteyam POV

I don't know why my brother is acting stupid. I hate her, she is so full of herself. Her gray skin with hints of blue are not pretty like kiri says they are. Her short hair is not unique or magnificent like tuk says. She's simply a girl who's so full of herself. Have we all forgotten that she killed her father? Have we forgotten that she stole and ransacked many villages. Not only did she steal from na'vi she made other na'vi steal from other na'vi. She is truly evil. Everyone seems to forget that.


604 words
I am so so so sorry. It has been like 4month for such a short chapter. I have not been feeling myself. I had no motivation, im very tired because of school and work. I am so very sorry. I love you all so much and for anyone who waited all the weeks I thank you for staying. Again I'm sorry I'll try posting as much as I van. I'll try every week but I still need to figger things out

SHE'S EVIL ~|Neteyam x 'reader|~(on hold) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon