**✿❀ 7 ❀✿**

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Hey guy fyi i decided to chang syulang age to 15 because its kinda weird having a 17 year old being besties with 13 year old.

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Bright and early. She shook me awake, IN THE MORNING! In the bright morning ray. It was barely a ray. AND SHE WOKE ME UP!!!! Shaking me and clapping and being annoying. "Come on, get up. I also gotta go up a mountain to wake that lazy ass riti, and I know syulang does not have power or energy to drag her brother to training."

"Then don't bring riti."

"No Om, I'm not letting Riti become the lazy ass he was destined to be."

"If he was destined to be a lazy as-


My eyes went back "anyways if he supposed to be lazy let him be lazy"

"It's not just about being lazy, he is going to be useless! I mean he already is but still."

"Why did you have to wake me up, you could've gone up got riti and come down and get me."

"Because my lazy ass can't be bothered."

"So you can be lazy but no one else can"

"Exactly, your starting to understanding. Now chop chop lets go, lets go, lets go"


Top at the first hill she did the same thing to the others with the'clap clap calp' and 'get up up up'. Needless to say no one was happy. Especially I'a, boy she was mad.


"Oh she's mad."

"Ya you should run"

Me and awpo warned while stepping back because I DEFINETLY DO NOT WANTING TO GET INVOLVED WITH THAT.

Syulang pushed y/n "Come on before you die"

"Yep yep going."

"Get back here you swxangx."

"Welp she's dead."

"Yep" the sibilings just seemed to figer that out. Their so stupid sometimes.


"Hahahahahah she's been caught." We all laughed

"Well we should probably catch up before I'a completely rips her apart."

Syulang made sure to lead us down because we all know how bad Riti with direction. We finally caught up with the evil waker upper, with the gremlin on top hitting her. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, I'a stop, ow."

"No you woke ME UP!"

"Come on get off of her you gremlin." Riti picked her up by her collar.

"No I'm not done with herr." I'a was still punching the air while y/n got up and her hair was a absolute mess.

"Come on guys lets have breakfast at the mauri."

"Are we just gonna ignore the fact that you got absolutely distrode by a 5 year old."

"I didn't get beaten a 5 year old."

"Yes you did" riti kept harassing y/n about the fact she lost to I'a while Syulang was cooking.

"Can someone help set the table."

"I'll do it"awpo seems to always want to help, I don't get it, like why be productive when you can do nothing.

"Hey y/n why did you have to wake riti up this early and was it really worth getting beat up by I'a."

"Y/n? Riti? What happened to 'mum' or 'dad'."

"Im too old for that."

"Yes cause five years old is so mature."

"Exactly your starting to get it."

"Hey Om can you pass me the bowl of mushrooms besides you."

"Sure ma."

"Oh so syulang gets to keep her nickname but I don't."

"Ya because 'ma' has a better ring to it, if your so desperte you can be mama and riti can be pa. You still haven't answered my question"

" good enough for me and if I woke up riti at normal time we would've been late."

"So what if were late?" Y/n just groaned and walked away. Breakfast was ready. It was porridge again but I like porridge so its fine. Tsireya come over to take us to the spot we were going to practice for the next forever

"Since when were 5 year old so sassy. Like don't they start turning sassy at 9." Syulang said while walking.

"Tell me about it." Y/n eye rolled.

"Come on, lets finish eating and get going."

"Hey guys, I just wanted to remind you guys that todays the first day of training." Tsireya came over.

"Ya we were just going to go as soon as we were done eating."

"See you there then."

"Hey Tsireya do you want food." Syulang offered

"You know what why not."

Tsireya sat down next to syulang and Awpo. Lets just say he was starstruck.

We went to the sea and we got started.

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I'm so sorry for the inconsistency I generally I'm very busy. I do not proof read so sometimes it's not the best quality. Im sorry. i appreciate all of you . I love you all. Ive been planing out chapters. And tried to make it interesting. I know not much happened in this chapter. I can really work on this during weekends so I'm trying to do the most when i can. Appreciate you all.

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