A longing far better than death

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Note: Titles may be changed late on so if you see new titles, that's my doing.Oh, another thing.  According to the SKK secret code (fanmade) hate=love and love=hate. 

All of Dazai's pain and numbness fades into nothingness as his heart once again feels a wave of emotion, something he had not felt in life ever before. He feels contempt. He is relaxed, all his worries are gone now that the man he loves is in his arms. He breaks into a smile as he closes his eyes to live in that moment and somehow make time stop and just live in that moment for all of eternity. He caresses the man in his arms as he feels another emotion fill the once void of his heart. He feels something warm, something that fills him up, something......even better than acquiring the peace out of death.

He hugs back the man, Chuuya Nakahara or affectionately called Chibi by Dazai, as he feels his longing for death fade away in this moment. He forgets his injuries. He forgets his pain. He forgets everything going on in the world. He doesn't have any knowledge for what's going in the world for the first time and he isn't sure if it is the bloodloss or this 'love' he feels inside. But all that he feels in this very moment, is the arms of his beloved around him affectionately pulling him into a hug, the warm and eased breath and his calm heartbeat. They don't know how long the stay there in that very stand as the damn comes with the sun's wake, but neither of them wanting to let this moment of ease, filled with affection and love end, neither of them let the other go.

"You are so short, Chibi"

Dazai says but his voice seems so affectionate that Chuuya can't seem to want to kick his face in at all.

"Way to ruin the mood bastard. Read the fvcking room next time." Is all he says in the end.

"So you want a room?"

"Rot in hell"

"I am a demon.."

"You're my demon"

Their faces get warmer and they come yet closer to each other. One feels the other's breath on his face as the other bends down. Their eyes have sparkles and their faces shine like the first rays of sun in a dark inky night. And closer to the other yet again do they move and now only mere centimetres away from each other's face. Slowly but surely, their lips meet, and with their eyes closed they affectionately kiss each other and everything around them seems to come to life as if celebrating that moment. The kiss doesn't last long but lasts enough as one start to speak but stops while staring in blue eyes as beautiful as the sky and deeper than the sea, somehow inhumane but more human than anyone's he's ever seen. He scoffs a little at this. Two inhuman people finding humanity within each other and falling in love. How poetic.

"What is it bandages?"

"Nothing chibi!" Said person says in response.

They both stare into each other's eyes for a moment that seems like forever as they hear someone coming

. "I hate you, Chuuya"

"I hate you more Osamu"

They smile at each other as they pull away from each other, slowly regaining the knowledge of what's happening around them.

"Dazai-san! There you are! Oh! Nakahara-san! Konichiwa! " A white haired boy begins as he run over to the mentioned two.

"It's Chuuya for the last time! Don't call me Nakahara, it makes me sick!"

"Now now Chibi, don't bite my kitty-cat"

Dazai says as he pets Chuuya's head as an owner does that of a dogs'.

"I am not your dog you bastard!"

"But you lost that bet Chibi! How poor memory you have~!"

And so, as they constantly keep arguing as they go by,with the white-haired young man oblivious to the moment that happened before, a normal day in the universe of BSD begins but- Is anything actually ever normal here?

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