Dazai's annoyingly lovable gifts

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"Look what I got you Chibi!"

"It's a dog Dazai."

"Yeah! But it's a Dogzai!"

" A dogza- What the hell mackeral?"

"It's for you to not get lonely when you sleep!"

"I don't need it."

" Sure sure, I've seen you and your dark circles the day after the night I didn't sleep with you." The brunnette says with a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those were missions."

" On which I wasn't with you"

" Because you lef- Nevermind. Give me it."

" Awh! Chuuya loves it!"

"No I don't!"

Dazai snickers, being his usual self except that his expressions seem more genuine for he is after all with his beloved. Being around him gives him a sense of calm and relief, as if all his longing for death, all his pain and suffering, all his worries have suddenly just vanished. Poof.

" I got you two more! It's our 2 little kids!"

" That's Akutagawa and At..gu...Atsushi. WAIT WHAT?! WHAT THE FUCK DAZAI?!?"

" No! It's Catugawa and Catsushi!' The taller man stated with a proud and confident tone.


" You really wanna know Chibi?" The brown-eyes man asked with an enthusiastic tone, his eyes having a shine once again after being with Chuuya.

" Nevermind."

"These will help you sleep sooooooooo much better!"

" I am NOT sleeping with those!" The short ginger argued.

" Awh, the doggy loves his master's gifts!"


And so, they spend whatever time they have on hand together in each other's company until they finally have to leave. Unfortunately, Dazai couldn't make it to their shared apartment tonight and Chuuya had to sleep alone.


 "Bastard....took my hat.....AGAIN."

Chuuya complained to himself. He put down his things and got a change of clothes. He now wore a crimson red tank top paired with grey joggers. He looked at the bag Dazai gave me and looked inside.


"...No way...' " I am not sleeping with those...."

" No"

He turns put quickly grabs the back again and heads towards his bed. He puts the Catugawa and Catsushi plushies together on his left side and puts Dogzai plushy close to his chest on his right side as he sleeps. His mought he agape and his shirt is up stretched up from his left. He has the most peaceful look on his face, but of course, it seems much more peaceful with the real Dazai Osamu with him....

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