Plushies! For Chuuya and me!

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A tall brunette with bandaged arms walks the streets of Yokohama city. He watches the shops as he passes by. He whistles.

" Wow, a custom plushie shop? That's new."

" Oh! I can get a plushy of my dog here! Hm...I will get him some plushies too! Ah~ I am so kind and generous!"

He walks into the store that is lined with plushies of different kinds- some dogs, some cats, some humanoids, and some a combination of various animals and humans. 'Just. Perfect.' Dazai thought.

He walked over to a screen on which you get to customize your plushy and made four custom plushies. He had to wait a span of 45 minutes till he could get the plushies though. He waited and waited, staring out the transparent front wall made of glass as he saw people walking past, carrying about their bussiness with not a care of another passing by beside them. He saw not humans but aliens, for he was not a human anymore. Or so, he thought.

"Excuse me, dear sir. Your fluffy lovable custom plushies are ready!"

A young man- an employee of the store, broke Dazai from his thoughts ( or was he just staring with those lifeless eyes or his? We may never really know) with an enthusiastic tone and a beaming smile.

" Ah! Thank you sir! Here, use this card to pay the bills!"

Dazai said as he pulled out a card from a pocket of his coat and gave it to the young fellow. Dazai snickered. How useful Kunikida's card was! And the man didn't even notice it was gone!

"Thanks for shopping. Come again!"

_ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_

Dazai completed a mission assigned by the ADA and went to his apartment to sleep. It had been a while since he had come back to his own apartment rather than Chuuya and his shared one. He carried a small bag in which one plushy remained. He had given the other three to his lover- Chuuya Nakahara.

"I should get a bath!"

Dazai said as he put down the bag and stretched his arms. Later after he showered, Dazai took a book called ' The Complete Manual For Suicide' and laid down on the couch, a bunch of bandages and the bag from earlier on the table beside. He wore a black T-shirt with blue joggers with white stripes. He reached out and grabbed the bag. He pulled out a plushy of Chuuya with ears and tail, an actual version of Chuuya as a dog. He pulled the plushie close to his chest as he read the book.

"Ah~ This is nice. Now I really have a Chibi doggie!"

He didn't realise his body's tiredness as he soon drifted of to sleep, without even putting on his bandages. His right hand slid down the couch and touched the floor with the book still in hand. His other hand still clutch the plushie close to his chest. He wore an expression of utter peace and calm as he slept- both of which was rare. He looked like the most beautiful man in the hand, Chuuya would agree.

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