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(Sorry got a little carried away with this. 😅 it's a long chapter.)
A year goes by,Yuuko and Nezha's love blossoms. Each day they grow closer and closer. Lin Lin and Chuck found out about it as they saw them dancing and laughing with the boys, it made their hearts warm up knowing nezha really was a perfect match. They were planning their wedding day but that wasn't until a few more months. Today was the day of mulan's matchmaking. Yuuko was with Mulan teaching her everything she needed to know, while the boys were with Mulan's mother.
"Ok so you got everything?"
"yup everything I need to know"
... ... .
"You're still writing it down on your arm aren't you?"
Signing, she shakes her head at her friend.
"Just don't let the matchmaker see it, you know what happens if you cheat"
"I know, I promise I will be careful"
"Alright, it's almost time, shall we go?"
"You go on ahead, I just need to feed the chickens, then I'll catch up"
Yuuko goes to her horse then she rides off towards the town.
Cut to the town with Fa Li looking around worried. As Yang, yin, and Nezha stand by her side.
The Bath Lady poked her head out of her building.
"Fa Li, is your daughter here yet?"
"The matchmaker is not a patient woman."
She goes back into the building
Fa Li signs "Of all days to be late.I should have prayed to the ancestors for
I'm sure she'll be here Ms. Fa Li" yang reasons patting her shoulder.
Grandma Fa comes walking over to the group. "Oh please, " "pray to the ancestors"," How lucky can they be,they're dead."
Snorting yin chuckles.
"I absolutely love you grandma Fa"
Grandma Fa pats his cheek.
"Besides, I've got all the luck we'll need.This is your chance to prove yourself." She says to the group showing off a cricket, while talking to it.
Grandma Fa covers her eyes and steps into a busy street.
"Oh dear god!"
"Are you sure that's a good idea?!"
"Grandma no!"
"Here we go"
The traffic barely misses Grandma Fa as she crosses the busy street. But two horses and a carriage collide causing a big accident. She arrives at the other
side of the street, uncovers here eyes and looks at the cricket
"Yep, this cricket's a lucky one!."
Fa Li signed, shaking her head. Yin chuckles as he glances at her.
"Are you sure we can't keep her?"
"At this point you can have her for free"
Yuuko arrived blinking at the accident.
"Um should I even ask?"
"Not really no, where's Mulan?" Yang asked
"She says she's coming just finishing up feeding the chickens" she replies dismounted off her horse
And if on cue Mulan arrives on Khan jumping over the recent accident in the street and
jumps off with hay stuck in her hair.
"I'm here!" But deflates at Seeing a stern look from her mother
"What? But Mama I had
"None of your 'xcuses. Now let's get you cleaned up." They walk together into the preparation area.
Yin huffs crossing his arms.
"I still don't understand why I couldn't dress her up"
"This is her day yin, you already had your turn with yuuko let the women do their work" yang says.
Making yin Huff and puff like a child as they move on to the makeup house where Mulan is getting the final touches.
"Well what do you think?"
The group turns and sees Mulan in her outfit.
Yuuko gasps, eyes sparkling, and Yang smiles.
"Oh Mulan, you look absolutely... "
Everyone jumps at yin's shout.
"No!I will not be quiet!Is this some kind of sick joke?!What idiot is in charge of her wardrobe!?, I mean look at her!, pink?!She obviously needs to be in green or red, anything better than this mess. "
Yin sassed holding Mulan's sleeve with his thumb and forefinger with a look of disgust.
Mulan snickers at the whole thing.
"I should go in there and give these idiotic women a piece of my...HMMMP!?" Yin stopped short as Yang covered his mouth.
"What yin was trying to say was you look amazing"
Yin's muffled voice was saying the opposite but Yang ignored him.
"Oh yes Mulan, you look beautiful, do your best" Yuuko encouraged.
"Thank you guys, wish me luck" Mulan calls as she takes the umbrella from her mother before jogging to catch up with the other girls.
Following Mulan they watch her struggle to walk perfectly like the rest of the maidens before finally making it better. All Girls and Mulan arrive before the Matchmakers house, and crouched down behind their
The Matchmaker looks at her clipboard "Fa Mulan"
Mulan Jumps up and raises her hand "Present!"
"Speaking without permission"
Yuuko winced whispering to nezha
"Maybe I should have taught her more"
Nezha nods in agreement.
Grandma Fa whispers to Yin
"Who spit in her bean curd?"
Covering his mouth yin snickers silently.
Mulan walks into the Matchmaker's building with the Matchmaker following
behind and closing the door.
" oh dear I hope everything turns out ok"
Fa li says wringing her hands together
"Come now Deary this is Mulan we're talking about, that girl might be different but there's no way she would mess this up" yin comments leaning against the stone wall.
"I guess you're right, I'm probably worrying too much"
"Yeah, like what's the worst that could happen?" He replies, shrugging his shoulders.
Snapping their heads to the house at the sound, yin winced.
"Ok I spoke to soon"
Another crash came from inside.
"Is something like this supposed to happen?" Nezha asked.
"Not really" yuuko winced hearing more crash sounds from inside.
Grandma Fa comments "I think it's going well, don't you?"
The doors burst open as the matchmaker comes out screaming.
"What the?!"
"Oh my!"
"What did Mulan do to that poor woman?"
"Yin!" Yang hisses
"Put it out!, Put it out!Put it out!!!"
Mulan comes running outside with the teapot, and throws the tea on the Matchmaker and puts out
the fire.
The siblings and nezha all wince as yin laughter dies in his throat.
They can feel her rage a mile away.
The woman is deathly silent. Mulan meekly gives her back the teapot bowing covering her face as she goes to her mother and grandmother.
The older woman grits her teeth in anger storming over to the family.
"You are a disgrace!" She shouts, throwing the teapot down smashing it to pieces. Making them flinch
"You may look like a bride, but you will never bring your family honor!" Spinning around she leaves as the The townsfolk who have gathered whisper and walk away. Yuuko looks at Mulan with pity as her friend bows her head in shame.
A few hours later the group heads over to the fa family's home.
Walking to the stone garden, Yuuko gasps as she comes face to face with Mulan's father.
"Oh pardon me Mr Fa Zhou" she greets bowing to him. Making the older man smile down at her.
"There is no need to bow , I assume your here for Mulan"
"Yes, we just wanted to check on her, is she alright?"
"I just got done talking to her, trying to help her, but I have a feeling she needs some words of wisdom from her childhood friends"
Smiling, she bows again as the group enters the garden, seeing Mulan sitting on the stone bench with a flower in her hair.
"Mulan,are you alright?"
Glancing at Yuuko, she signs.
"I really don't know yuuko, my father spoke to me trying to ease my worries but it only helped a little, I will never pass as a perfect bride or daughter. I'm nothing but a failure" bowing her head down.
"Now don't you talk like that!, no one in this world is perfect" yin pipes up sitting crossed legged in front of Mulan. Yuuko sits next to her, Yang knees next to yin and Nezha leans against the tree with his arms crossed.
"He's right, in this world there is a path, and sometimes the path is hard and grueling, but with a strong mind and strong willpower you learn from it" , Yang says, making everyone nod.
"Mulan knows this, I only pretend to be perfect, but in reality I'm not even perfect, not once have I ever acted like a true lady. No matter what you can't let anyone tell you otherwise."Yuuko says, putting a hand on her shoulder.
" just be glad you're you"
Mulan smiles at her.
"Thank you yuuko, all of you, I'm so glad to have best friends like you guys"
"Oh!, come here you!"
Yin eagerly hugs Mulan as Yang and Yuuko join in. Nezha smiles at the scene before furrowing his eyebrows, his head snaps to the side making Yuuko glance at him.
"Nezha, what's the matter?"
"I hear drums, messengers from the imperial army"
The group dispatches, as they go to the entrance as three men on horses ride to the village. the townpeople start to gather.
"Everyone please stay inside" fa li says to the group.
Grandma fa clears her throat, catching their attention as she motions inside.
Mulan spies the railing near the wall motioning them over as the group climbs up to watch over the roof.
"Citizens I bring you a proclamation from the Imperial City: the
Huns have invaded China!"
The townspeople gasp in shock and horror.
"By order of the Emperor, one man from every family must serve in the
Imperial Army."
"What!?, oh god I'm too pretty to go to war" yin wines making Yang roll his eyes at his brother.
As the man starts to call every family.
The Xiao family!
The Yi family!
The Zhang family!
" oh no"
"Please no"
The siblings look over as their father is about to take a step forward but a hand on his shoulder stops him. Hobie smiles at his brother shaking his head, before stepping forward.
"I will go in my brother's place to serve the emperor" he says, bowing to the guard and taking the conscription notice from him.
"Oh great, now we need to worry about uncle Hobie," Yin says, a little relieved that his father was not going to war but disappointed in the fact that he prefers his uncle to take his place instead.
The Fa Family!
"Oh no" they thought together. Now looking over at a horrified Mulan.
Fa Zhou gives his cane to Fa Li and walks toward Chi Fu.
He bows before the horsemen before standing proud "I am ready to serve the Emperor."
"Ah Mulan I don't think that's a good idea... . And she's gone" yin says, watching their friend run toward her father.
"Oh Mulan," Yuuko says sadly watching her friend get ridiculed because she couldn't bite her tongue.
The man huffs in disgust "You would do well to teach your daughter to hold her tongue in a man's presence."
"Wow, what an a-hole" yin whispers to the group, making them nod.
"Mulan, you dishonor me."
Seeing their friend deflate at her father's words, she bows in shame.
Fa Zhou walks back into the homestead refusing to take
his cane from Fa Li.
" I think we should go home now," Yang suggested, feeling the tension.Everyone nods as they go back to their own home.
It's late at night and the Zhang family is eating their dinner of fresh sushi as Yuuko pours hot tea for everyone.

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