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Connor has the same dream, this time different. Connor saw that he was running somewhere, holding the hand of a girl, the both of them running off.

Before long, the people after them, somehow appear in front of them, Connor held a book to his chest as he also kept the girl close, looking between the men and the others. Before long, Connor makes a portal, running to it with the girl, when he was stabbed, a woman's scream came to his ears, Connor falling through the portal with the book but the men grab the girl, pulling her away as she called out. "Luke!" The girl called.

Connor awoke on the floor, looking at the roof, Connor sits up as he looked down, holding his head. Connor looked down, before something came to mind...the book. "The book that the potions came in...it was that book." Connor mutters.

Connor then felt a hand on his shoulder, making him turn to see Yoko, looking worried. "You ok?" Asked Yoko. Connor nods. "Y-Yeah...don't know what that was...I'll get you dinner now." Said Connor. Connor got up and walked to the kitchen, cooking Yoko some dinner, before walking to the bathroom, taking a shower and then got dressed and went into his suit, exiting through the balcony and flew off.

A man is seen inside a lab, doing some writing, when he heard a thud. Turning, the man saw Connor. "Skeleton X? What are you doing here?" Asked the man. "I need a favour...you think you analyse my brain and that suit? I've been having these weird dreams this suit...isn't normal, so I wish to see what it is." Said Connor.

The man looks at Connor, before speaking. "What's in it for me?" Asked the man. "I'll pay what you what." Said Connor. The man looked at Connor before speaking. "Alright, come with me." Said the man.

The man and Connor walked to a room, where in the centre was a isolation tank, where he was hooked up to wires and the machine scans Connor's body and mind, the scientist only looking at the results the scanning found on the suit and Connor's mind, regarding his dreams.

As the man does so, his eyes open wide, seeing that...the Suit was causing the dreams. He turns off the machine and let Connor out, showing him what he found. "The suit is making the dreams?" Asked Connor.

"Yes...it says here that the suit is connected to your brain, making it act how you want it to and seems to put something into your brain as well." Said the man. "The suit made tendrils when I needed to swing or grab something and came off, going into my body when I wanted it off...that explains it...so this thing isn't alive?" Asked Connor.

"No, it IS but has not conscious...that's why it is hooked to your brain, becoming part of you." Said the doctor. "But of it doesn't have a conscious, how did it?" Asked Connor "Cause it seems to he attracted to your cells." Said the man.

"My cells? Like blood? Skin?" Asked Connor. "No ALL of your cells...every cell in your body." Said the man. "Why? You think you can find out?" Asked Connor. "Give me a sec." Said the man. The man types into the computer and a moment later, a image of Connor's cells are seen, the man zooming at one of the cells and kept going till they saw the matter the cells are made off.

Pressing another button, the photos of the matters in the cells are more clear. "This cell right here...it seems triggered and attracted to it." Said the man. "That matter...that's from Anti." Said Connor. "Huh? What's that?" Asked the man. "It's something given to me that makes me resistant to users of the potions...why is it attracted to it?" Asked Connor.

The man looked at the screen before typing on the keyboard again, this time, making the matter from the suit, making their eyes wide. "Their the same..." Connor muttered. "It seems to be made from the same matter...for that, it's attracted as if the matter in your blood is part of it and needs to be connected again." Said the man. 

Connor: Vol 22Where stories live. Discover now