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Connor looks up at the Cyclops, running to it as one swings a punch, hitting the ground, but Connor dodged as he jumped up, running up the creature's arm, running to the shoulder and punch its eye, stabbing his forearm into the eye and into the creature's head.

Ripping his arm out, the second Cyclops attacked Connor, but he jumped away, landing on the ground as the dead Cyclops fell to the ground, the second attempting to attack Connor. Connor dodged as he does the same with the other one, stabbing his forearm into the Cyclops eye.

Ripping it out, the Cyclops died as Connor lands on his feet, tuning to the door and walked to it, using his strengh to push it open, revealing the inside. Connor saw what looked to be a cell looking room with a girl in the centre, chained down.

Connor looked at the woman, running to her, the woman seeing him. "You...came..." The woman mutters. Connor kneels to the woman. "Are you alright?" Asked Connor. The woman stays silent.

Connor looked at her before Connor broke the chains, lifting the woman up, and flew out of where he was. Connor flew up the many stairs and floors of the tower, until he got to the exit and flew back to where the rock was that the portal was.

Getting there, Connor was about to go in, when out of instinct, Connor jumped to the side, electricity firing at Connor, but Connor dodged. Connor turns to see a man with a white beard. "Who are you? Why do you dare freeing that mistake?" Asked the man. Connor looks at him before putting the woman down, speaking.

"Names skeleton X...I got dreams about this girl and seeing as she was imprisoned, I figured I'd save her." Said Connor. "And why? How do you know if she's dangerous?" Asked the man. "Well, I saw no evil in her eyes...not just that, but you called her a mistake, so I figured you were just a dickhead and imprisoned the girl for no reason." Said Connor.

The man growls. "You dare speak to me in such a manner?!" Yelled the man. "It's the truth." Said Connor. The man growls, firing electricity to Connor. Connor planned to dodge, but feared the woman would be hit in the process, so he stood in front of her, taking the attack.

Hitting him, the attack cancels out, stunning the man. "You...your like HER." Said the man. Connor looked at him before flying to him at fast speed, getting tot he man before he could speak, punching them man, sending him flying into a tree. Connor looke sat the man before before flying to the woman as the suit retreated into Connor's body and Connor grabs the woman as he went into the portal before the man saw him, shutting the door behind him, hoping it will keep him out if the man found where the portal was.

Connor sighs as he looked at the girl, seeing her still out cold. Connor then flew out of the room, the tunnel and our if the house, flying back to his apartment, getting the woman inside. Connor got inside and put the girl into bed. Connor covers the woman in sheets and walked to the kitchen.

Due it to being night still, Connor didn't worry about Yoko seeing him or wanting food and Connor grabs some food and water. Due to Connor learning different medical things, Connor learned to feed and hydrate people without them choking on food or water. When finished, Connor sits by his desk, waiting for her to wake up.

Connor sits at his desk, waiting, before he ended up falling asleep. Later, Connor awoke to a knock, giving him the idea it was Yoko, coming for breakfast. Taking off the suit, Connor left the room, to see Yoko was indeed there.

Connor walked her to the kitchen, where he prepared them breakfast, also sneaking for the woman, same with water since he doesn't have IV to hydrate her. Connor ate his food and got to the room, feeding the girl, also hydrating her and make sure she doesn't choke.

Done, Connor walked towards the desk, sitting at the desk, waiting for the woman to wake up. Connor sighs as he waits, been he heard a grunt. Connor turns to see the woman opening her eyes. The woman turns to Connor, seeing him.

Connor: Vol 22Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora