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Connor was currently walking down the street, when he saw two people talking...two familiar people. Connor saw Miki and Harvey, who looked to be fighting.

"I said no Harvey...I don't love you...what happened between us was a genuine mistake...I love Connor and I stupidly cheat on him with you." Said Miki. Harvey looked at Miki, upset and angry, but the prostatic mask covered it.

"Why!? I'm there for you! Not HIM, I can give you anything, not HIM and I will DO anything for you! Not HIM!" Yelled Harvey. "That's where you are wrong...he WAS there for me, he GAVE me everything I'd want and he'd DO anything for me...yet I let him down and broke his trust and his love for me." Said Miki.

Connor stays silent as he listens to this, seeing the genuine pain and regret in her eyes and hearing it in her voice. "But you said it yourself! He did things that scared you! He does things that worry you and I'd NEVER do anything to scare or worry you!" Said Harvey.

"Yes, I felt that way, but I don't anymore...because I know what Connor did wasn't cause he liked it or did it for no reason and cause he's just doing what is right or what he can for the world spite it hurting him for no reason...for that, I do not fear the things he did...but I do worry for him...I don't want him to be hurt and I don't want him to suffer alone." Said Miki. Connor stays silent, seeing that she was telling the truth due to the look in her eyes and voice.

Harvey growls as he grabs Miki by the arm. "What does he have that I don't?! He's a ugly, fat nobody! I'm better then him and better for you! So why?!" Yelled Harvey. "Let go, your hurting me!" Yelled Miki. "No, not tell you fucking tell me what's so fucking special about him?!" Yelled Harvey. Just then, Harvy was grabbed the tossed a few feet from Miki, landing on the street.

Harvey looks at who threw him, Miki doing the same. "Connor..." Miki mutters. Connor looks at Harvey, bloodlust in his eyes. "If you don't want me to bash your fucking face in again, FUCK. OFF." Said Connor. Harvey looked at Connor, scared and runs off. Connor looks at him and then Miki.

"I'm sorry, I know you don't want to see me right now, but--" Miki was cut off. "Do you regret it...truly." Said Connor. Miki looks up at Connor. "W-What?" Asked Miki. "I asked if you truly regret what you did...and I want the truth." Said Connor. Miki looks Connor dead in the eye. "Yes." Said Miki. Connor looked at her before sighing.

"Ok...I believe you...and I'll give you another chance, but I don't forgive you just yet." Said Connor. Miki looks at Connor, happy as he tried to kiss him, but Connor push her back gently. "But that nowhere means we're together again...I'll give you another chance as my friend, but that's it." Said Connor. Miki looks at Connor, heartbroken but then nod. "I'll be going now...get home safe." Said Connor. Miki nods and Connor walked off, leaving Miki alone.

Connor is seen inside his apartment, watching TV when suddenly, Connor felt a throb of pain in his chest, making him yell as he fell off the couch, the virus growing inside Connor's veins. Suddenly, Connor felt a gentle hand on his shoulder and back.

Connor turns to see Yoko and Aliza, who were worried. "Connor, what's wrong?!" Asked Aliza. Connor struggled to breath and talk though the pain, but was able to mutter. "Red...pill...in my...room..." Connor. Mutters. Thinking he needs the pill, Aliza runs to Connor's room, grabbing one of the red pills on the table, running to Connor and hands it to him.

Connor took the pill and moments later, the pain eases as the growing stopped. When it was completely gone, Connor felt Yoko hug him, worried about him. "Hey, hey, it's ok...I'm ok." Said Connor. "Connor...what was that?" Asked Aliza. Connor looks at her before sighing and spoke.

"Remember my memories involving the virus?" Asked Connor. Aliza nods. "The virus began evolving and mutating...it is difficult to control and I can't keep it in my grasp, so I made a pill to weaken it enough to keep it under control.' Said Connor.

Connor: Vol 22Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant